Category Archives: Healthy Me

Natural Ways Of Decreasing Stress In Life

Life presents us with talks and turns which for most part are a learning experience and something to build on. If we had no ups or downs, no bends and turns, life would be boring or empty, which may be sufficient for some people, but not for most of us. We seek thrills and adventures in life, excitement and that rush, that drives us, but most of the time, they come at a price + interest- the interest being the amount of stress that these put on the body and the after effects. Most times I see patients who are stressed out because of work, family, kids, relationships, and so on. When asked about stress, most people say that they do not feel stressed, but when we test their bioavailable hormones using saliva, majority of the times, at stress glands are either overworked or fatigued.

So what are some of the simple ways of reducing stress in life?

1. Create a list of things to do weekly or every few days and make sure you schedule time for you in – even if its just for 15 minutes.

2. One task at a time or per day is okay. Most of us have a tendency to schedule too many things in our day, majority of the times this is unrealistic and then feel overwhelmed when we do not get them all done that day, so go easy on your self and treat yourself for that one accomplishment rather than stressing your self over not having finished all the tasks.

3. Tomorrow is another day, so if you did not finish something today, there is always tomorrow.

4. Try not to stretch yourself too thin in all directions – such as kids activities, work, extra curricular activities, additional commitments with friends and family. Its important to maintain good relationships with people, especially friends and family, but not at the cost of your health and peace. If you are not able to find time for you because of all sorts of external commitments, you will soon feel resentment towards activities that are generally supposed to be fun, such as spending time with friends and family, so try to find balance and a happy medium where everyone gets their share of your precious time, including you.

5. Its okay to say no! especially if you are so pressed for time.

Energetic treatments like acupuncture and Reiki work very help for relaxing the body and calming the mind.  Yoga classes can be very beneficial too –   especially if they have a meditation component to them. You can also look at our stress management program for more therapies and tips for stress relief. Come in for a relaxing deep tissue massage, which I find always does the trick.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto

Natural Treatment For Depression

Anybody who has gone through a bout of depression knows the highs and the real lows that come with it. Moods and thoughts wander like the clouds and the winds chasing them, and during those deep valleys of low moments, nothing makes you feel better. NOTHING!! This is somewhat true. Depression could be caused by various factors, including a neurotransmitter imbalance or hormonal imbalance. Most often though, depression comes about as a result of circumstance or an unfortunate or unbearable situation that could range from bad acne in teenagers to the grief due to the loss of a loved one.

So how can we change that feeling of depression to feeling better, normal again? For most people, that feeling of depression is an abnormal feeling and they way to “fix” it, is by taking strong prescription medication that will numb your feelings and help you feel better again, but is that the right way of treating your body, your mind and your thoughts? For some people the answer maybe “Yes” anything that will make me feel better now. As humans, we have become so conditioned to immediate gratification that everything must happen now, but about those feelings that needed to be processed or dealt with? What happens to them? Most times they will get suppressed or compartmentalized to be dealt with later, but that later never comes, because of our lifestyles.

As a naturopath, one of my goals is to help heal individuals body, mind and spirit, hence my approach is quite a bit different. In order to treat depression naturally – you need to understand what precipitated this symptom in the client.  There are various natural remedies that work really well to balance the neurotransmitter and hormonal imbalance, once we know that this is the root cause of the problem by testing blood for neurotransmitters / hormones. However, if the depression came about due to an unfortunate event or circumstance in life, such as the loss or grief of a loss of a loved one the approach is different. Psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy is been a great adjunct therapy.

Acupuncture is another energetic therapy that is great for treating symptoms of depression naturally. However, there are other treatment options that will be beneficial to help cope with the symptoms of depression outside of clinical therapies. Journaling your thoughts, emotions and feelings often helps to bring out the pain and suffering, talking to friends and family is great as well. Volunteering your services is wonderful way to give that love and care again to someone who really needs and appreciates it and makes you feel better.

There is no quick fix to deep rooted feelings and emotions, but taking things in stride, one day at a time, will help you get closer to that ultimate goal, which is regaining your emotional health back to balance.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic, in Toronto.

Treating Diverticulitis Naturally

Diverticulitis is a condition where the diverticula are perforated and become infected and inflamed. Diverticula are little sac like pouches (grape or pea sized) that can protrude in the intestinal wall. Constipation sufferers generally suffer from these. Poor eating habits, smoking, stress, family history of diverticulitis, obesity, gall bladder disease increase the risk of this disease.  Having a diet that is low in fiber will generally contribute the formation of diverticulosis. Majority of the times, the patient is generally unaware of this condition, and are generally discovered during a colonoscopy. However, if they are infected or inflamed, the patient may experience cramping, indigestion, bloating or pain and tenderness in the lower left side of the abdomen depending on where they are located. Diverticulitis can be either acute or chronic.

The best way to keep them at bay or treat them is the natural way, as they are formed due to lifestyle and dietary factors. Some of the natural ways to treat or prevent these include:

1. Having a diet that is rich in fiber and lots of water. The daily required dosage for fiber is 25 – 30 grams per day. Most fruits and vegetables contains some amount of fiber so having a diet full of these will help you get the daily required dose of fiber. Remember that old saying – “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” – there is truth to that saying. Oat bran, ground flax and psyllium powder (not husks) are a good source of fiber as well, however, these can sometimes be gas forming. Drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water a day to soften stools.

2. Having a diet full of leafy green vegetables and dark colored fruits would be ideal.

3. Having a low carb diet with good sources of protein and decreasing animal protein / meat from the diet or eliminating it entirely may be helpful in the long run to keep the colon healthy, as having polyps of any kind increases the risk of colon cancer, especially if your diet contains deli meat which is high in nitrates.

4. Nuts and seeds can also be problematic as they can be hard to digest, and quite often get stuck in the diverticuli, leading to pain, inflammation and eventually inflammation, so make sure if you have any they are ground up completely.

5. Not straining to get the bowel movement out as the forceful pressure applied can weaken the intestinal wall, leaving it susceptible to weakness, which in turn will increase risk or polyp formation and inflammation.

If you need more information, please call us at 416 913 4325 or visit our Naturopathic Clinic.

By:  Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Is Naturopathic Medicine Helpful For Treating Asthma, Eczema Or Allergies?

Naturopathic medicine is alternative or complementary medicine that treats various health ailments with natural therapies. Naturopathic care of asthma, eczema and allergies is based on healing the symptom as well as identifying the cause of the allergies, asthma or eczema. Naturopathic doctors usually work to treat the root cause of the problem or symptoms, be it asthma, eczema or allergies.

Natural treatments from a naturopathic doctor for eczema and asthma are based on first identifying what the person is allergic to and eliminating that item from the diet or environment if possible. With naturopathic treatments, along with diet changes, various herbs and supplements are also used to improve the overall health of the person and rebalancing an overactive / dysfunctional immune system, which usually causes the symptoms of sneezing, itching, runny nose and eyes, and rashes.

In most cases that are treated with naturopathic medicine, we find that the symptoms improve tremendously and become a thing of the past as the individual adopts a healthier lifestyle and balances their immune system. As a naturopath, my approach to treating asthma or eczema has always been to first get to the root of the problem, and that usually involves testing for allergies to various allergens, once that has been established, I usually treat by modifying the diet and use additional nutrient or herbal supplements if necessary and generally the outcome has been great in terms of resolving the health issue.

Need more information or treatment for asthma, eczema or allergies, please call us or visit us.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Loss Of Hair Due To Loss Of Sleep?

Hair loss can occur as a result of many imbalances in the body, but can hair loss be effected by loss of sleep or insomnia? The answer to this question is YES. Usually a significant lack of sleep or chronic restless sleep will affect hair loss.

Why does loss of hair occur with loss of sleep?

When the you sleep, the body refreshes and replenishes it self with the essential rest it needs. This of course helps with balancing out your hormones and metabolic system, especially your cortisol or stress system, which follows a circadian rhythm – meaning its high in the morning and low in the evening. If you suffer from insomnia or chronic lack of sleep or are suffering loss of sleep, your body’s natural system of balance get “out of balance” which will then affect various aspects of your health, including loss of hair and general luster in skin. Generally lack / loss of sleep occurs due to various reasons, stress being a big factor, and stress is a big cause of hair loss as well.  Generally, you will notice an increase in hair loss when you wash your hair, or brush it, and some people notice hair strands on their pillows or bed on waking.

What can I do to reverse it?

As a naturopathic doctor, my recommendations are as follows:

1. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about your hair loss and loss of sleep. They will be able to identify the root cause of the problem and help you treat it naturally.

2. Try to identify any lack of minerals and vitamins that may also be affecting both your hair loss and insomnia or lack of sleep – Your naturopathic doctor should be able to do the necessary tests to help you with this.

3. If its stress that is keeping you awake, join our stress management program to handle your stress better or find strategies to cope better with your stress.

4. Get onto a really good schedule with regards to your sleep. Acupuncture and certain supplements are great to restore sleep to bring back the body to balance.

5. Trace back your steps to identify what came first – hair loss or loss of sleep? Improving your diet in either case will help tremendously, especially cutting back on the caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor at the Natures Intentions Naturopathic Clinic, in Toronto.

Can My Shampoo Or Conditioner Cause Acne?

Here is a question that has been boggling quite a few clients who have been suffering from acne on their shoulders, back and hairline. Can acne be caused by or worsen due to shampoo and conditioner use? The answer to this question is may be yes, especially if there are  waxy ingredients in the shampoos or conditioners that are used to give volume or tend to coat the hair with a thin layer of conditioner on, or give it extra shine. These products, if not washed out properly when washing your hair,will stay on the surface of the skin and clog up the pores, and if you tend to sweat a lot, and have a tendency to oily skin, it quite possible to get clogged up skin pores that will eventually result in acne or pimples with pus or infection.

Its also possible to get an acne like rash if you are reacting to some of the ingredients in the shampoo or conditioner, such as

  • sodium lauryl sulphate
  • sodium laureth sulphate
  • sulpha / sulphur
  • ammonium lauryl sulphate
  • ammonium laureth sulphate
  • selenium sulphide

These are some of the more common ingredients that you find in regular store bought shampoos.

What can I do naturally to treat/ heal the acne ?

If you are suffering from acne that you think maybe a result of the shampoo or conditioner you are using, you can switch you shampoo or conditioner to one that is more natural or hypoallergenic. This will help overtime, and the change will be seen in a few weeks.

If you have acne that is painful and infected, try using a tea tree based shampoo or conditioner. Tea tree oil is a natural anti- bacterial and anti- fungal.

If you are washing your hair with very hot water, you might want to bring down the water temperature a little.

There are various naturopathic treatments available for acne.

My recommendation is to talk to you naturopath or dermatologist and first get a proper diagnosis. Acne can be caused by various health imbalances and diet. If you need more information, please check causes of acne.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Naturopathic Treatments For Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is a condition that causes recurrent pain / irritation in the bladder and quite often pain in the the pelvic region as well. People generally experience a sense of urgency to urinate, and an increased frequency to urinate as well. Interstitial cystitis is seen in men and predominantly women. Women may experience a burning with urination as well, and a severe discomfort in the lower pelvic region. Some women have no symptoms beside pain or burning on urination.

What causes interstitial cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis is a condition of inflammation as the name implies, hence any condition that can cause irritation or inflammation in pelvic region or bladder will cause it. There is no clear certainty as to what causes it. In my experience as a naturopathic doctor,  I have found that hormones and food allergies and food intolerances play a huge role in worsening the symptoms overall. Stress is another factor that can worsening symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

Natural treatments / naturopathic treatments for interstitial cystitis?

In order to treat interstitial cystitis naturally, one must first find out what caused it in the first place. There are various triggers that seem to make the symptoms worse such as drinking coffee and alcohol and of course, stress. Some of the natural treatments for interstitial cystitis are

– Eliminating triggers such as foods that may cause irritation of the bladder- such as coffee, alcohol, chocolate, among others. If you are not sure what might be triggering your symptoms, ask your naturopathic doctor to do a food allergy or food intolerance test.

– Since interstitial cystitis could be related to generalized inflammation in the body elsewhere, it would be important to manage that inflammation with diet and other natural supplements. This in turn will help improve your interstitial cystitis symptoms.

– If you are a female, your menstrual cycle may also have a bearing on your interstitial cystitis symptoms. Talk to your naturopath about maybe testing your hormones using saliva to get an accurate reading of your hormones and correct any imbalances.

Need more information? Please call us at 416 913 4325 to schedule an appointment.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Healthy Tips From A Naturopathic Doctor For Life


1. Eat organic and fresh food whenever you can

While more costly than nonorganic food, organic fruits and vegetables are not only more rich in minerals and other produce they are devoid of pesticides and chemical residues and tastes better.

2. Get plenty of vital vegetables

Vegetables supply carbohydrates for energy lots of minerals, enzymes, vitamins and some protein. They help alkalinize the body. Tomatoes and peas protect against prostate cancer, broccoli and cabbage help prevent colon cancer, the most intensely colorful vegetables such as red beets, purple cabbage, yellow squash, collard greens, and spinach contain the highest level of nutrients, which boosts the immune system against degenerative disease.  The fiber contained in vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, celery, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, carrots, and leafy greens  helps to keep the body’s  bowel function regular.  Choose more colorful, tastier lettuces, since then the iceberg lettuce such as red or green leaf and Romaine, which improved bowel transit time rather than a constipate you.

3. Have more fruit

The fruit is an ideal source for quick energy, valuable enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Fruit makes a great snack food. Fruit is a great source of fiber better than grains and vegetables. Try to eat it between meals or before a meal for better digestion.

4. Get enough fiber

Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.  Roughage is found in plant foods vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Beans, lentils, peas, corn, prunes, black berries, and blueberries are exceptionally high in fiber.  Avoid week and oat bran fiber if you are gluten intolerant. Processed foods lack fiber. Fiber adds bulk to the stool, which assists in maintaining regular bowel function. Without enough fiber, you’ll experience constipation, which is a contributing factor in many diseases. Fiber is great as well for keeping the body satiated and helps with weight as well.

5. Avoid aspartame, caffeinated beverages, carbonated beverages, fried food, and hydrogenated oils

Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It increases appetite in general and the desire for sweets in particular.

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, black tea, and Coke does our powerful stimulants that overstress the body.  They deplete various nutrients from the body.  Carbonated beverages tends to upset the mineral balance of the body, and in turn causes the body to leach out the calcium from the bones, contributing to osteoporosis.

Fried foods are exposed to heat for long periods of time causing the food enzymes and essential fats to break down and in the body, and clog blood vessels. Start frying however is okay.

Hydrogenated oils raise cholesterol, cause heart disease and are being linked to the development of other diseases such as cancer and arthritis.  I originated oil are what you find in most packaged crackers cookies, baking and cooking mixes, and other packaged goods.

Butter is high in saturated fat but better for you because it’s more stable than margarine, which can keep youths to heart disease obesity and promotes inflammation, while suppressing the immune function. If you can choose organic butter.

6. Avoid MSG

MSG is a neurotoxin that destroys brains cells in mice and potentially humans. Check the food labels always.

7. Avoid processed meats

Processed meats such as bologna, salami, hot dogs, most sausages, smoked meats and fish, as these are high in saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium = a recipe for cardiovascular disaster! Smoked, cured, and pickled foods are also high in nitrates, which are potentially carcinogenic.

8. Avoid sugars as much as possible

Read the labels. Just because a substance is allowed in foods, doesn’t mean its safe.  Most foods have naturally occurring sugars, however the food industry seems to add sugar in all kinds of foods such as salad dressings, and most processed foods.  Sugar is disguised in other names such as corn syrup, starch, sucrose, and fructose. Sugar causes a high and then a sudden low in energy, leading to exhaustion. It also depletes nutrient reserves, especially vital nutrients and B vitamins.

9. Soy foods

Exercise caution with soy foods, as fresh soy – edamame and soy beans do contain phytates which can effect the thyroid hormones, and also contain phytoestrogens, which can effect an estrogenic effect on the body. Its also hard to digest.


By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

What Is Natural Medicine – Naturopathy

Natural medicine or naturopathic medicine or naturopathy is a distinct system of health care that encompasses various natural healing therapies to treat symptoms as well treat the root cause of the symptoms, and in doing so strengthening the overall body and immune function. Naturopathic medicine is an umbrella term that includes various other natural health modalities such as traditional Chinese medicine,  acupuncture, massage, nutrition and diet counselling,  botanical or herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, among others.

Naturopathic Doctors do place emphasis on getting to the root cause of the problem before treating it, as the only way to really resolve a symptom, is to first get to the cause and then treat it. Naturopathic medicine has been around for centuries, and been addressed as many things, however, it is what our forefathers used to heal their health before allopathic medicine came in.

I quite often get asked the following question: what is the difference between a naturopath and a homeopath or a nutritionist? So here is the answer:

Naturopathic medicine encompasses both homeopathy and nutrition, among other therapies, so when we as naturopaths treat clients, its a more holistic approach based on our length of study and experience. Naturopathic Doctors generally study for up to 8 years (with undergrad studies) and are exposed to various healing modalities in their training, including lots of training in laboratory diagnosis, pathology and pharmacology, along with an internship.

Natural medicine is much more gentle on the body – as it is focused to bringing back the optimum balance of the body, rather than just treating the symptoms, but remember, its important to get good quality help- when seeking out a natural medicine “healer”/ therapist  as opposed to seeing just anyone. Naturopathic Doctors are very well educated in using natural therapeutics for healing and hence are highly sought after.

Need more info?

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Natures Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Treating Puffy Eyes Naturally

Everyone goes through their share of having puffy looking eyes once in a while, due to various reasons. Excessive drinking, excessive crying, PMS, staying awake till the wee hours of the morning, allergies, skin reactions to new products such as eyeliner or eye shadows, fatigue and not having enough sleep can all cause eye puffiness. Other health conditions such as high triglycerides and cholesterol, kidney and liver problems can cause eye puffiness too.

Here are a few suggestions to treat puffy eyes naturally

1. Place a cotton pad soaked in cold water or cold milk to calm down the puffiness for about 15 – 20 minutes of the day.

2. Soak black tea bags in warm water and once the water has cooled, squeeze out the excess water from the tea bag and place over the eyes. Black tea contains tannins, which are great for shrinking swollen tissues. Alternatively, you can also use eyebright tea bags. Eyebright is a herb that is great for the eyes, and works very well for pink eye and infections of the eyelids. Most health food stores carry eyebright tea bags.

3. Simple slices of cucumber cut up and place over the eyes can have a dramatic effect to bring down the puffy eyes naturally.

4. Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate some more.

5. Getting a good night’s sleep and getting lots of rest, is of course one the best ways to treat puffy eyes naturally.

6. If the eye puffiness is related to allergies or the use of new products, change back to the old product, assuming no allergic reaction was caused by it. Keep you diet simple and fresh for a few weeks, with some fresh dandelion and parsley, both of which work great to eliminate excess amounts from the body.

7. Acupuncture is great from reducing eye puffiness as well.

Need more information, come visit us at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic