Monthly Archives: April 2016

Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet In The Summer


Whenever summer time rolls around, I see my neighbors prepping up their barbeques and grills for all the summer parties and beer fests they are going to have this year. I frequently wonder however would they be much calmer and their stomachs a lot happier if they were to grill vegetables and tofu rather than steaks and other fish and animal parts and organs? The answer to this question is ABSOLUTELY! It has been frequently observed that people who eat vegetarian diets tend to be somewhat calmer than heir meat-eating counterparts and less anxious.

How can vegetarianism lead to a calmer disposition?

The steroid hormones residues in red meat that are released when the animal is killed for our eating pleasures, which cannot be broken down by cooking, exert an effect not unlike the body’s own steroid hormone, activating natural defenses against stress and suppressing immunity as well, when the meat is eaten, the stress hormones that the animal released when it is faced with its own death, are released in your blood stream making you agitated and aggressive.


Animal products such as meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and cheese and refined sugars and flour products are all acid forming foods. Acid forming foods are not necessarily acidic in nature but tend to form acid in the body once they are broken down, making the body very acidic. This affects the ability to digest food as it speeds up the rate of clearance or elimination of the food, which in turn will affect the absorption and assimilation of nutrients and vitamins from the food.

Starches require an alkaline environment for digestion. When the body is very acidic, the digestion of starches will be affected as well, causing unwanted flatulence and bloating. The absorption of certain vitamins especially B and C’s and minerals can be affected, which in turn can add to the body’s stress load causing low – grade malnutrition and undernourishment, as well. Liquid vitamins maybe a better option in general when it comes to vitamin and mineral absorption.


Feeling congested or stuffy? One simple way to decrease mucus production is very simple… cut out the food items that are known to cause congestion in the respiratory tract- these foods would include any acid forming products especially meats and dairy products. The body has a natural buffer system that allows for pH buffering with bicarbonate ions. One of the protective mechanisms for the body against too much acid is to form more mucus to protect the gastrointestinal lining, along with the respiratory tract, both of which have a layer of  mucus membrane on the interior side that is exposed to food and foreign elements of any kind. Stress and the inability to digest proteins will create more mucus, hence feeling more congested and of course feels sluggish, tired or bogged down after eating. and have sinus issues or even asthma!

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto.

Do I Have Parasites That I Am Unaware Of?

Ask yourself the following questions

___ Do you have diarrhea frequently?
___ Do you have abdominal cramps or pains?
___ Do you have intestinal gas frequently after eating?
___ Do you suffer from indigestion or flatulence and bloating frequently?
___Have you lost weight without trying?
___Are you anorexic now or have you even been?
___After meals, do you often have heartburn or find it necessary to belch frequently?
___Are you often constipated and bloated?
___Do you suffer from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia?
___Have you noticed blood or mucus in your stools?

If you answered, “yes” to two or more questions, intestinal parasites may be causing your symptoms but treating the symptoms alone won’t eliminate the parasitic infection, it is important to find out what parasitic infection you have in order to eradicate it. Parasites affect millions of even those who never leave the country. They can cause symptoms from intestinal disorders as those mentioned above along with problems throughout the body.

Why should I be concerned about parasites?

Parasites are much more common in North America and other developed countries than you may realize. They also cause many diseases, which can lead to serious illness and even death. Intestinal parasites can weaken your body’s natural immune system, making you more susceptible to other illnesses. The frequency of world travel and increased immigration to the North America has resulted in the significant increase and spread of parasitic infections, as many parasitic infections can be asymptomatic and passed on without knowledge.

What are intestinal parasites?

Intestinal parasites are a variety of organisms ranging from visible worms (like tapeworms and pinworms) to microscopic organisms such as Giardia lamblia that live within the intestinal tract, and quite often other organs, growing and feeding off the resources of your body, robbing your body of precious nutrients.

How do you get parasites?

• Parasites are found in raw and undercooked food and treated and untreated water; are transmitted by insects and household pets; and are passed from person to person through unsanitary habits and poor hygiene. Other parasites and their eggs are found in raw, rare or undercooked meats and fish, while others are in contaminated soil.
• Parasites travel in different ways. For example: the microorganism Giardia, which causes persistent diarrhea, fever, cramps and other symptoms, is contained in feces. It gets into public water supplies when animal or human sewage contaminates the water source. It can also be transmitted from person to person through careless diaper changing and poor hygiene in day care centers.
• Another parasites, Cryptosporidium, infest public water systems and can cause widespread outbreaks of severe diarrhea and cramps. It has been found in water supplies throughout the North America, and the disease it causes can prove fatal for people with weakened immune systems.
• Many immigrants unknowingly carry parasites that can produce symptoms in others transmitting the organisms into food through unsanitary practices in restaurants kitchens.

What are the symptoms of a parasites infection?

• Almost any persistent digestive disorders could result from a parasite. The most common symptoms are diarrhea and abdominal pain. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, gas and bloating, foul-smelling stools, anorexia or weight loss, gastritis, fever and chills, headache, constipation, blood or mucus in stools and fatigue.
• Other health problems can result from disturbed digestive processes or toxins produced by the parasites, such as aches and pains in the joints and muscles, anemia, allergies, chronic fatigue, immune dysfunction, sleep disturbances and depression.
• Ongoing irritation from a parasitic infection can alter the lining of your intestine, creating the “leaky guy” syndrome, which permits toxic compounds to permeate into the body through the intestine. A variety of disorders, including food allergy and inflammatory bowel disease (IBS or IBD), can result from altered intestinal permeability.

How can I tell if I have parasites?

• Many symptoms of parasitic infections are similar to other illnesses, making it particularly important to test for parasites for proper diagnosis and treatment. A comprehensive parasites test, using a stool sample analyzed by a laboratory specializing in parasite testing, is the most effective way to diagnose this type of infection.

How do you treat parasites?

• Eliminating the parasitic infection is the key to relieving the symptoms of infection, or the parasites will continue to grow and reproduce. Health care professionals such as naturopathic doctors use a variety of natural treatments to eliminate parasites, including anti-parasitic herbs, diet changes and adding “friendly” bacteria to your gastrointestinal tract once a proper diagnosis is obtained.

How do I get a parasitology test?

• Talk to your naturopathic doctor about your symptoms and ask if parasite testing would be suitable for you.

How do I prevent parasites?

• Always wash your hands before eating, after cleaning up and after playing with pets.
• Order your food cooked to medium or well done when eating out in order to ensure that there are no parasitic infections in the meat.
• Don’t eat in places that appear unsanitary. Always look around for the inspection certificate that is usually displayed at the entrance of the establishment.
• Don’t drink unfiltered or untreated water, no matter how pure it looks. Drink bottled or boiled water when traveling in undeveloped countries.
• Insist on antiseptic cleaning practices at day care Centers. Carry antibacterial wipes with you and make sure you wipe of your children’s hands and yours after leaving day care.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Improving Circulation Naturally Using Natural Therapies

Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?

  • cold hands and feet?
  • water retention?
  • swelling in the extremities (hands and feet)?
  • swollen lymph nodes which have been there for a while?
  • bluish or purplish hue in the extremities?
  • varicose veins and broken capillaries that look red or purple right under the skin?
  • experience numbness or tingling of finger tips and toes in winter?

If you suffer from any of the symptoms above, chances are you do have poor blood circulation.  Here are a list of some of the natural treatments for poor circulation that have been tried, tested and true. While most work well on simple cases of poor circulation, its best to get a proper diagnosis and naturopathic treatment from your naturopathic doctor before attempting to treat poor circulation naturally.

DRY SKIN BRUSHING – This natural technique is great for improving poor circulation as well, as exfoliating dead skin and hence detoxifying toxins from the body. This technique can be applied using a dry loofah sponge or hand towel. Massage the dry loofah sponge or towel in a small circular motion from the extremities towards the heart for about 7 – 10 minutes before showering regularly to see a marked improvement in circulation.

CONTRAST HYDROTHERAPY – This natural technique has been around for centuries and its a wonderful simple therapy for not only improving circulation, but detoxify the body of the toxins as well. While in the shower, alternate between hot water and cold water every 3 minutes for about a minute at least three times. Make sure the water temperature is tolerable to your body as use of extreme cold or hot water may have negative effects on the body.

BOTANICAL HERBS – such as Gotu Kola and horse chestnut are great to improve circulation in the extremities.

LYMPHATIC MASSAGE – This type of massage concentrates on draining the lymph nodes and is great to reduce swelling and water retention. Quite often the massage therapist may use creams made of herbs that promote circulation.

WATER INTAKE – A very simple change that you can make to your diet is drinking more water. Blood is a fluid and is 70 % water, hence if you are not drinking enough water, circulation of the body fluids will be affected, and not flow freely. An increase in water intake will not only improve circulation, but also help eliminate toxins from the body.

I do recommend you talk to your naturopath before attempting any therapies, natural or otherwise.

By:  Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto.

Simple Naturopathic Tips For Weight Loss

Here is a list of simple tips that work wonders for  naturally losing weight:

  • No eating after 8:00 pm. If you are craving all sorts of things even after having a proper dinner, it is not related to being hungry, is most likely related to stress or comfort of the mind that you are feeding. So try having a tall glass of water with a squeeze of some lemon juice instead and a pinch of stevia instead.
  • Smaller meals through out the day. Rather than having 3 large meals, have six small meals through out the day, this way you are distributing you calories through out the day and using them up as opposed to strong the excess and gaining weight unnecessarily.
  • Have a tall glass of warm water 5 – 7 minutes before each meal. This has clinically been shown to reduce weight.
  • Eat slowly rather than wolfing down your meals as quickly as possible, enjoy your food – the colors and textures of the food, and savour each bite.  This will help improve your digestion and make you more aware of how much you eat.
  • Eat up until you fill your stomach feels satiated not full.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic

Do You Have Bacterial Overgrowth In The Small Intestine?

Ask your self the following questions:

  1. Do you have symptoms of malabsorption such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, irregularity and abdominal pain?
  2. Do you feel very full or bloated after having starches or carbohydrates such as potatoes, pastas and breads?
  3. Are you unable to tolerate sweet foods such as pastries, cakes, cookies, and suffer from abdominal pain or bloating after consumption of these products?
  4. Have you had a bad reaction along with unexplained abdominal symptoms after taking friendly probiotic supplements?
  5. Have you been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

If you answered “yes” to the majority of the question above, you might be suffering from bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Bacteria overgrowth of the small intestine is a serious digestive disorder that can inhibit nutrients absorption and lead to many health problems. Although widespread, it is frequently unsuspected in cases of chronic bowel problems and carbohydrate intolerance because its symptoms often mimic other disorders.

Often this condition is associated with reduced intestinal motility—a slower transit of foodstuffs through the bowels caused by fiber inadequacy or digestive imbalances causing painful constipation. It can also cause symptoms of bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain in patients, that if left undiagnosed, can gradually lead to systemic disorders such as altered intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”), anemia and weight loss, progressive bone thinning, poor digestive function, bacterial translocation (causing immune dysfunction and toxic overload and malnutrition).

Think you might be suffering from it but are not sure? There is a simple, safe and a non – invasive breath test that is available that helps to diagnose bacteria overgrowth of the small intestine. This test is also important for differentiating the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal disorders, affecting about 20% of the general population. Studies suggest that as many as 50% to 75% of patients with IBS have small intestinal bacterial over growth as demonstrated by a simple hydrogen breath testing.

Once bacteria overgrowth has been detected, our systematic naturopathic intervention strategies involving diet, digestive support, probiotics and antimicrobials (herbal) are used to treat the condition. Naturopathic treatments have been shown to be very effective for the treatment of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine as well as irritable bowel syndrome.

Need more information, please call our Toronto naturopathic clinic to schedule an appointment to see our naturopathic doctor regarding this or any other digestive condition you may have.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopath, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Diagnosing Hyperactivity And Attention Deficit In Children And Adults

Quite often we get calls at our naturopathic clinic in Toronto from concerned parents who are interested in getting their kids or themselves diagnosed for hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder. Majority of the times, your child’s teacher may suggest psychological assessments to diagnose either. Here are some of the symptoms that you would look out for in order to confirm diagnosis of attention deficit or hyperactivity.

Some of the symptoms of attention deficit disorder include and are not limited to:

  • Lack of attention to details or makes careless mistakes
  • Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities for more that 15 – 20 minutes at a time
  • Seems to avoid contact when spoken to
  • Unable to follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace and mind often wanders due to lack of attention.
  • Difficulty with organizing tasks and activities
  • Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in any tasks that require sustained mental effort
  • Misplaces necessary for tasks or activities often
  • Is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
  • Is very forgetful in daily activities

Some of the symptoms of hyperactivity include:

  • Constantly fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat with restless energy
  • Unable to sit in one spot when required to.
  • Runs or climbs excessively in inappropriate situations (in adolescents or adults, may be limited to subjective feelings of restlessness) very often embarrassing parents.
  • Extremely needy and has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly
  • Endless energy, that often gets worse after eating certain foods, especially those with coloring, additives and dyes
  • Talks excessively
  • Blurts out answers before questions are completed
  • Has difficulty awaiting turn
  • Interrupts or intrudes on others
  • Quite often very smart but very impatient.

Quite often there are combined types as well where the child or adult exhibits symptoms of both attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. At our naturopathic clinic, we initially take a look at the symptoms of the client, along with that, we test for food allergies / sensitivities, as these affect mood and behaviour, as well as heavy metal tests. We also offer extensive nutritional testing for mineral and nutrient deficiencies that could affect behavior.

Treatment options for hyperactivity and attention deficit would include dietary modifications and natural supplements. Psychological counseling is recommended if required.

If you need more information or would like to schedule an appointment to see our naturopathic doctor, please call us at 416 913 4325.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Weight Gain And Hormones – Is There A Connection?

A lot of the clients I see at our Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic on Yonge street, Toronto that come in for weight loss are often amazed when they see how much of a connection there is between hormones and weight gain or weight loss. Weight gain can be caused due to various factors which include, and are not limited to:

  • inactivity or inability to exercise.
  • poor eating habits and eating too late in the evenings.
  • inadequate sleep or insomnia.
  • various medications especially anti-depressants and birth control pills.
  • stress and poor stress management.
  • hormonal imbalances especially thyroid and reproductive hormones.
  • menopause and perimenopause.

Majority of the people who have had success with weight loss naturally will tell you how important it is to eat well and have smaller meals through out the day, as opposed to three large meals, and of course exercise. This works well if there are no underlying hormonal abnormalities or imbalances that slow down the metabolic rate such as an under active thyroid. How would you know if you have any thyroid issues or other hormonal imbalances?

Well, usually if you have been trying to loose weight by doing all the right things with diet and exercise, but have had limited success, and tend to gain weight easily, you might want to take a closer look at your hormones. Ask yourself the following questions:

– Do you have a tendency to gain more weight or stay at the same weight, as opposed to building muscle mass or toning up even when you have been working out consistently?

– Do you tend to gain a few pounds when you are close to your menstrual cycle / period?

– Do you tend to gain weight around you abdomen and the trunk of the body much faster than other areas?

– Are you unable to loose weight easily regardless of what you do to loose weight?

– Do you tend to retain a lot of water prior to your menstrual cycle or in general?

If you answered yes to 1 or more of the above questions, it is possible that your weight gain maybe related to your reproductive hormones or thyroid. Talk to your naturopath about testing your hormones, as this may provide more insight into why you are gaining or not loosing weight easily.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic on Yonge / Davisville.

Improving Libido Naturally

Most people go through changes of libido during their lifespan puberty onwards. Some changes are natural, just the way nature intended, but sometimes this is not the case. A fluctuation in libido can occur when people go through certain situations or circumstances in their life. These can range from a physical accident to a depressive episode in life and the whole range in between. Certain physical illnesses and medications can also affect the libido levels.

I find that females are more prone to a loss of libido earlier in life, as early as their 20’s, and majority of the times its related to their mental and emotional state – stress is the number one reason for a decrease in libido, following that would be a hormonal change, or body image issues. However, in older men and women, a change in libido is usually related to stress, medications, andropause, perimenopause and menopause. As the hormone levels dwindle down, so does the libido.

So how can you change it back to where it was or even improve libido naturally?

In order to improve your libido naturally, its important to first figure out what might have caused the change in the first place. So, take an inventory of your life currently and see what has changed.

  1. If you are unhappy in a relationship or are having stressful marital or relationship issues, your libido is definitely going to get affected.
  2. Are you overwhelmed or stressed? If your mind is preoccupied all the time, there is no time for the body to get into the mood! If you have too much stress at work and home, and not enough time to spend with your partner, this will definitely affect your energy levels and in term your libido.
  3. Have your hormones changed? You would generally feel very different if this were the case. Talk to your naturopathic doctor (ND) to run a hormone panel using saliva to test your bioavailable hormones especially testosterone to see if this is the cause for loss of libido. If this is the case, your naturopath can definitely help you by giving you guidance on natural herbs and supplements that would help bring up the libido and testosterone levels.
  4. Have you recently started a medication for lowering your blood pressure or cholesterol? These quite often tend to decrease your libido.
  5. Are you feeling anxious, depressed, moody, nervous and sad?  If this is the case, you need to speak to your naturopathic physician to see if there is an imbalance in your neurotransmitters, hormones or if there is a significant lack of certain vitamins and minerals.

There are various herbs/ natural products available on the market that claim to boost your libido naturally, but it is important to talk your naturopath first as quite often, these herbs / natural products do much more than just increase your libido, so its important to be safe than sorry.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Food Allergies versus Food Intolerances / Sensitivities

What is the difference between Food Allergies and Food Intolerances / Sensitivities?

An allergy is a specific biological response that is mediated by the immune system producing IgE antibodies. The symptoms of allergies include itching, hives, and rashes, swelling and gastrointestinal upset which are caused due to a mass release of histamine by mast cells. The symptoms usually appear a short time after the food is consumed with a few minutes to about an hour.

Allergy skin testing such as the skin prick test can identify the more serious anaphylactic allergies that can cause difficulty swallowing, however various medications and the state of your immune function will affect the results. Blood testing for allergies can readily identify milder food and environmental allergies.

However, not all negative reactions to food are caused by allergies. In fact, most negative reactions are not caused by allergies but by food intolerances /sensitivities. Food intolerances and reactions usually cause a different type of antibody production called IgG. Reactions to food sensitivities and intolerances can be quite significant in terms of digestive upsets ranging from indigestion to constipation , diarrhea, bloating, significant fatigue or sluggishness, lack of concentration, sleeping issues, irritable bowel disorder and so on.

Food intolerance / sensitivity reactions typically develop within a few hours after food ingestion. Gluten sensitivity is one such example, where many people notice that they suffer from digestive issues such as cramping, bloating, flatulence and maybe diarrhea after eating gluten products such as wheat, but when tested for celiac disease, the results are usually negative. These people most likely suffer from a mild gluten intolerance or gluten allergy. Lactose intolerance is another widely known example of a food sensitivity versus a food allergy.

If you are suffering from allergies or sensitivities, or are not sure, talk to your naturopathic doctor about getting tested either.

Need more information on food allergies or food intolerances / sensitivity, please click here

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Guidelines For Choosing Natural Supplements

These days, when you go into a health store or even grocery stores, you see aisles that are full of different natural supplements from various different companies and of course price ranges, so how are you to choose the right supplement for you?

While there are no guidelines out there or criteria to pick from, here is a list of guidelines you might find helpful the next time you are looking to buy a natural supplement, be it vitamins or other herbal or dietary / nutritional supplements.

  • Read the ingredient list and make sure the ingredients are therapeutic dose ranges in order to have an affect on the body. In other words, enough of an ingredient has to be in the supplement to make the ingredient effective. Majority of the times, I find that in chewable gummies or adult vitamins, the ingredients are added to supplements are in very insufficient quantities, usually far  below the actual required daily dosage but the ingredient’s name is put on the label to attract buyers with flashy packaging, but not enough of the ingredients is found in the supplement to have any effect. Buyer Beware!
  • If possible, choose a professional brand that your naturopathic doctor (ND) has recommended as they generally base their recommendation on your specific health concerns. Your ND will generally recommend high end supplements not only for their efficacy but also because the nutritional supplement has been tested and certified by companies that have been certified through the governing bodies.
  • If possible, try to make sure the raw ingredients are organically produced and come from clean, uncontaminated sources, however these types of supplements will be more costly due to the process and quality of product.
  • If you cannot read the label, and all the information you need is not on it, you might want to more cautious as you should know exactly is in the supplement and what you are putting in your body.
  • If you decide to take a natural / nutritional supplement, make sure that you are taking it for health promotion and that that supplement has ingredients that promote your health.
  • There are many wonder supplements out there claiming all sorts of miracle cures. The supplement industry has taking the markets by storm, making billions of dollars in all kinds of supplements that they say does this that or the other.  Make sure that scientific claims as to the effectiveness of the supplement are made for the supplement itself, not for similar supplements. Do your research, talk to your naturopath, and if they okay it, you might consider purchasing. Do not fall into multi level marketing schemes of purchasing health products.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.