Tag Archives: exercise

Stretch Away Your Pain

In the search of pain relief, too often we try all sorts of pain relief, going from doctor to doctor. Very often, however, simple lifestyle changes can prove to more effective in helping to overcome pain and improve health.

Here are a few stretches that you can try when you need some pain relief.


Sit on a mat or on a firm mattress with your legs extended straight out. Slowly lean forward and reach your fingers toward your toes. Use a fluid motion.


Reach one of your hands over the head and as far down your back as you can. You can use the opposite hand to push the elbow toward your back. Repeat with the opposite hand.


Sit in a comfortable position. Relax your shoulders. Slowly bend your neck forward until your chin touches your neck. Without moving your shoulders, rotate your head and slowly touch your right shoulder with your chin. Bring your neck back to normal, and repeat rotation toward your left shoulder.


Lie flat on your back with your legs fully extended. Bend one knee and grasp the leg just above the knee with both hands and slowly bring the knee close to your chest. Repeat with the other leg, and then do both the knees together.


Stand facing a wall with your feet about four inches apart and 10 – 12 inches away from the wall. Keep your back straight, lean forward and press your shoulders against the wall until your feel a pull or stretching of the calf muscles. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat three times.


Lie flat on your back with your legs extended. Raise your arms above your head ad reach as far as you can while pointing your toes and stretching your legs. Hold for a count of five and repeat three times.


Still feeling pain, why not enjoy the benefits of acupuncture and massage at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic combined.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Naturopathic Resolutions For 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

I hope this year is filled with lots of health and joy for all. Here are some naturopathic resolutions for this upcoming year to keep you healthy and happy (body, mind and spirit):

1. Exercise more often – Easier said than done, I know, especially with the winter months, its hard to get to the gym and work those muscles. May I remind you though, its even more important and beneficial to get some form of exercise in the winter months, especially for those people who suffer from the seasonal affective disorder.

Everyone knows about the benefits of exercise on the body and heart, exercising is also great for mood and for feeling better overall. So try to get at least 40 – 50 minutes/ day, 4-5 times a week of moderate exercise – such as biking, swimming, elliptical training or brisk walking.

2. Sleep more – The amount and quality of sleep affects every aspect of our waking life –  concentration, memory, mood, energy, skin, immune system function, performance in general, hormones, you name it! Deep sleep helps to replenish and rejuvenate the body.

It is true that as we age we need less sleep, however, majority of the people barely get the required 7 -8 hours of sleep a day. So this year, aim for at least 8 hours a night. Early to bed, early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy and wise!

3. Drink more water – Quite often people are confused about how much water their body really needs. The general rule of thumb here is 1/2 your body weight ( in Lbs) in ounces – so if you were 150 lbs, your body would need at least 75 ounces or approximately 9.25 glasses of water to detoxify your body of toxins and keep you hydrated, among other things.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables – Brightly colored vegetables and fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will keep you healthy and “young” looking, so the next time to reach out for that cookie, go for an apple or pear instead. Try to pack a variety of cut up vegetables for snacking for you and the family.

5. Nurture your inner self – Most people I know barely have a few minutes to themselves in a day. Its important to nurture one’s inner self in order to make yourself complete. You may have many achievements and accomplishments externally but do these really nurture your soul?

This year why not try something selfish just for yourself … maybe a massage that you have been putting off or a Reiki energy healing session, how about trying some Yoga or Meditation? Enroll yourself in that class you have wanted to go to for so long.

6. Adopt a pet – Pets are loving and kind and keep on giving unconditionally. They are wonderful beings to come home to. Check your local shelter if you have been thinking about having one.

7. Spend more time friends and family – This goes without saying and is self explanatory, right? Life is short and times spent and memories made with loved one are precious, so take advantage of the times you have with your loved ones, and remember where is the time to hate and bicker, when there is so little time to love.

Let bygones be bygones and love wholeheartedly, without reservation.

Well folks, this is it for the naturopathic resolutions for this year. Please remember to have fun and enjoy. Have a safe and happy 2009!

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Successful Weight Loss In Women

I have often found that the biggest problem with weight loss for most women is not actually about losing the weight, but is getting organized and pre-planning meals. I find that with lots of my clients, once we have narrowed down exactly what they should be eating as far as their health is concerned, weight loss is the fastest for women who tend to plan and prepare their meals and exercise schedules ahead of time.

For instance, with some of my clients, I found that if they had a schedule that they prepared and stuck it where they could see it daily, with a goal weight – say an actual number with regards to their weight, may be a pound lighter at the end of each week, they were more likely to reach that goal easily than someone who didn’t. So women, here is a simple tip to safe and effective weight loss – PLAN A SCHEDULE WITH MEALS AND EXERCISE AND STICK TO IT!

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.