Tag Archives: food allergies

Treating Eczema With Natural Remedies

Eczema is a skin condition that affects the young, the old and everyone in between. The classic presentation symptoms range from dry scaly patches or wet blistering clumps that can be intensely itchy and painful, and often bleed when scratched.  The traditional way of treating eczema has been the application of corticosteroid creams of different percentages on the affected areas or the use of thick moisturizers and at best being tested for skin allergies but with no available treatments for those allergies except for antihistamines.

The physical appearance and related symptoms are frustrating and debilitating for the most sane of us, and exhausting especially for parents who newborns have been diagnosed with eczema, especially since they did not already have enough to deal with on their plates to add to their sleepless nights. Psychologically it can do a number on most of us. So what are some of the alternative natural remedies that we as naturopathic doctors use for our clients?

The naturopathic way of treating eczema is not to hand out immunosuppressant creams or ointments, but to assist the body in its healing this vicious symptom. Eczema is usually caused by allergens that could be ingested or topical or in the environment of the individual and usually exacerbated by the climate and stress. Its the body hypersensitive reaction that causes the itching and the red rashes at times, and eliminating the offending cause is usually how naturopathic medicine works to treat eczema.

In order to provide relief from the symptoms, and get rid of the eczema, one must first treat the root of the problem. Allergens are the most common culprits but its not necessarily allergens that cause anaphylactic reactions. Generally I find that mild food allergies cause eczema in over 70 % of the clients. Stress may bring on a flare up of eczema as well, hence stress management techniques are key to tone down an over active immune system. A change in the climate may bring on a bout of eczema as well.

A change in use of body products such as body wash or shampoos, deodorants or make up , type of clothing such as use of wool or acrylic or introduction of new food items could bring on eczema if the body is allergic to any of the products of food items that have been introduced.

A lack of moisture due to inadequate water intake or lack of essential fatty acids could also effect eczema symptoms.

For more information on eczema and how to treat it naturally, please check this eczema article.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto.

Is ADD Or ADHD Affected By Diet?

ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders) are two disorders that are significantly affected by diet. Having treatment lots of cases with ADD and ADHD, I would safely say that these disorders are a product of our eating habits and what is added into our diets knowingly or unknowingly.  Majority of the times, I have found that kids who are ingesting large amounts of refined or processed foods are more likely to have either ADD or ADHD. Why? Majority of the refined and processed foods have various types of colors and additives / preservatives added to them which make them tastier and more colorful but do little in terms of nutrient availability to the consumer’s body.

Most refined and processed foods that are high in sugar such as cookies, cakes, candies, pastries, etc. tend to excite the neurons, and cause an increase in the firing of the electrical impulses sent by these neurons, causing a sudden rush in body, which will usually translate in hyperactivity in the child’s behavior, and quite often aggression in the behavior. However, it would be unfair to put entire blame on refined and processed foods. Quite often, the child may be undiagnosed mild food allergies, that can be determined by blood testing for allergies. These allergies can quite often cause irrational behaviors as well, and symptoms of both hyperactivity and attention deficiency.

A diet low/ lacking in essential fatty acids will also effect the concentration and attention of the child. Essential fatty acids are crucial for the brain development, hence very important to supplement if they are lacking. Testing is available to see if there is a lack of essential fatty acids in the body. Various minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are found abundantly in fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables are very important for the body’s various processes and actions, especially minerals like calcium and magnesium and certain B vitamins, a lack of which can cause symptoms such as tics and hyperactivity, along with restless behaviors.

It is important to talk to your naturopathic doctor to get a proper diagnosis of what may be lacking in your child’s diet before supplementing with any supplements or vitamins.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Food Allergies versus Food Intolerances / Sensitivities

What is the difference between Food Allergies and Food Intolerances / Sensitivities?

An allergy is a specific biological response that is mediated by the immune system producing IgE antibodies. The symptoms of allergies include itching, hives, and rashes, swelling and gastrointestinal upset which are caused due to a mass release of histamine by mast cells. The symptoms usually appear a short time after the food is consumed with a few minutes to about an hour.

Allergy skin testing such as the skin prick test can identify the more serious anaphylactic allergies that can cause difficulty swallowing, however various medications and the state of your immune function will affect the results. Blood testing for allergies can readily identify milder food and environmental allergies.

However, not all negative reactions to food are caused by allergies. In fact, most negative reactions are not caused by allergies but by food intolerances /sensitivities. Food intolerances and reactions usually cause a different type of antibody production called IgG. Reactions to food sensitivities and intolerances can be quite significant in terms of digestive upsets ranging from indigestion to constipation , diarrhea, bloating, significant fatigue or sluggishness, lack of concentration, sleeping issues, irritable bowel disorder and so on.

Food intolerance / sensitivity reactions typically develop within a few hours after food ingestion. Gluten sensitivity is one such example, where many people notice that they suffer from digestive issues such as cramping, bloating, flatulence and maybe diarrhea after eating gluten products such as wheat, but when tested for celiac disease, the results are usually negative. These people most likely suffer from a mild gluten intolerance or gluten allergy. Lactose intolerance is another widely known example of a food sensitivity versus a food allergy.

If you are suffering from allergies or sensitivities, or are not sure, talk to your naturopathic doctor about getting tested either.

Need more information on food allergies or food intolerances / sensitivity, please click here

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Naturopathic Treatments For Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is a condition that causes recurrent pain / irritation in the bladder and quite often pain in the the pelvic region as well. People generally experience a sense of urgency to urinate, and an increased frequency to urinate as well. Interstitial cystitis is seen in men and predominantly women. Women may experience a burning with urination as well, and a severe discomfort in the lower pelvic region. Some women have no symptoms beside pain or burning on urination.

What causes interstitial cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis is a condition of inflammation as the name implies, hence any condition that can cause irritation or inflammation in pelvic region or bladder will cause it. There is no clear certainty as to what causes it. In my experience as a naturopathic doctor,  I have found that hormones and food allergies and food intolerances play a huge role in worsening the symptoms overall. Stress is another factor that can worsening symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

Natural treatments / naturopathic treatments for interstitial cystitis?

In order to treat interstitial cystitis naturally, one must first find out what caused it in the first place. There are various triggers that seem to make the symptoms worse such as drinking coffee and alcohol and of course, stress. Some of the natural treatments for interstitial cystitis are

– Eliminating triggers such as foods that may cause irritation of the bladder- such as coffee, alcohol, chocolate, among others. If you are not sure what might be triggering your symptoms, ask your naturopathic doctor to do a food allergy or food intolerance test.

– Since interstitial cystitis could be related to generalized inflammation in the body elsewhere, it would be important to manage that inflammation with diet and other natural supplements. This in turn will help improve your interstitial cystitis symptoms.

– If you are a female, your menstrual cycle may also have a bearing on your interstitial cystitis symptoms. Talk to your naturopath about maybe testing your hormones using saliva to get an accurate reading of your hormones and correct any imbalances.

Need more information? Please call us at 416 913 4325 to schedule an appointment.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.