Tag Archives: infertility

Fertility Tests

There are a number of tests performed for fertility—some for men, some for women—that may be performed if conception does not occur within twelve-month period.  It is both easier and more cost-effective to test the male partner first before going on to the more invasive techniques needed to test the female partner. Quite often, male infertility could be the reason for the couple not being able to conceive. The following table lists some of the most frequently performed fertility tests. If you are interested in learning more about how to treat infertility naturally, give us a call at the clinic to schedule a visit with our naturopathic practitioner – Sushma Shah, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Test Description

Tests Performed on Men

Endocrine test Blood tests are done to determine levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and thyroid hormones (T).  LH levels are tested only if T levels are abnormal.
Postcoital test The partners have sexual intercourse and the ejaculation is tested for surviving sperm.
Semen analysis A sample of semen is examined no longer than one hour after ejaculation. It is tested for sperm motility (the percentage of sperm that are swimming) and morphology (the percentage that are normally shaped,)
Sperm penetration test Sperm is tested to see if its has the ability to penetrate hamster egg cells.  This indicates the sperm’s ability to penetrate the partner’s egg.
Testicular biopsy A sample of testicular tissue is examined under a microscope to determine the condition of the sperm, or to determine if sperm are being made.
X-ray This test is done to check for damage to the ducts in the male responsible for transporting the sperm to the penis.

Tests Performed on Women

Endometrial biopsy A tiny sample of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) is taken in the later part of the menstrual cycle and tested to see if there is enough progesterone in the lining as it matures.  If not, the condition is called luteal phase defect.  It can be treated with hormone therapy.
FSH test A blood sample is taken on day three of the menstrual cycle and tested for FSH.  FSH levels increase as a woman reaches menopause.  If there is a high FSH level, pregnancy is unlikely.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Dye is inserted through the cervix into the fallopian tubes and uterus, and an x-ray is taken to determine whether the tubes are open and if the uterus is a normal shape.
Laparoscopy A surgical procedure in which a physician examines the reproductive organs by means of a tiny scope.  If scar tissue or endometrial buildup is found, it can be removed by means of the scope as well.
Postcoital test (PCT, Sims-Huhner test) The partners have intercourse 2-8 hours before this test.  A sample of cervical mucus and tissue is removed and examined to determine whether the mucus of the cervix is prohibiting fertilization.Undergoing a PCT is much the same as having Pap smear.
Transvaginal Ultrasound A probe is inserted into the vagina to look for fibroid tumors or ovarian cysts.  This can also be done to track early pregnancies.

Improving Fertility With Natural Medicine

For women who have been trying to get pregnant and have been unsuccessful at it for a while, quite often they decide to try something different, something that their friend might have suggested for them, something like Natural Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine, hoping that just maybe this will work, without realizing that all of these medicines are based on trying to get the innate ability of the body to heal and function optimally with the use of diet, herbs and other natural therapies, as opposed to taking this potion or that herb to put  a band aid on a symptom. Naturopathic Medicine is great for improving fertility naturally.

Naturopathic medicine focuses on the why you are not getting pregnant, rather than labeling you with Infertility. As a Naturopathic Doctor, my initial focus for fertility treatments is to get to the the why you are not getting pregnant. Some of the things that can effect fertility include, and are not limited to:

1. Diet – Diet has one of the biggest roles to play when it comes to fertility. Shocked? Don’t be. For people who consume dairy and meat products of a fairly regular basis, estrogen hormone levels will be effected especially if the meat and dairy are not organic. Cows and chicken pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, which can eventually end up in your body, especially if you consume high amounts of meat and dairy products. High estrogen levels in the body will cause various irregularities in the menstrual cycle and PMS symptoms, as well, effect the amount of testosterone in males. Soy is another product that can effect fertility as well. Soy products contain phytoestrogens, oxalates and phytates and these can effect the endocrine system, especially your thyroid hormone. Regular drinking water from the tap and the plastic bottles can also effect fertility. Talk to you Naturopathic Doctor about how your diet might be effecting your health and in turn your fertility.

2. Stress – Everyone goes through moderate amounts of stress on a day to day basis. Stress is perceived differently by everyone. Stress is defined as anything that puts the body out of its normal state of being. This would include mental, emotional, dietary, psychological, physical elements. Nutrient status, sleep disturbance, inadequate protein, all of these can create undue stress on the body as well. The body responds by producing cortisol, a stress hormone, which in turn will effect your female and male hormones and eventually your thyroid hormone, and it turn effect fertility.

3. Physiological problems – This relates more to the actual reproductive organs and their placement in the body. Blocked fallopian tubes, issues with sperm count and motility, are some of the factors that may definitely effect fertility. Emotional issues around getting pregnant are a huge factor that effect fertility. Naturopathic Doctors do take into account all of the above before starting any natural treatments for fertility.

There are various other factors that can effect fertility that can be improved using naturopathic medicine. The ones mentioned above are just for starters, for more information check Fertility – causes and naturopathic treatments.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Improving Fertility Naturally

At our naturopathic clinic we have lots of patients that coming in to improve their overall reproductive health and as well improve chances to conceive. I applaud them because i really appreciate that they care enough about the energy or “Qi” that the baby will receive if and when its conceived, but also that the parents care enough about taking care of their health as well, so that they have an abundance of energy and health resources when the baby is born.

But here are some things that I urge most of the parents – to – be to think about especially if they are having difficulty getting pregnant and no cause for infertility is found. When clients have difficulty getting pregnant, they usually think about the physical causes but what about that emotional aspect that will in fact have a huge bearing on whether or not you will conceive.

Naturopathic medicine embodies the health of your mind, body and spirit, hence naturopaths look at all these aspects before treating you for infertility.

Here some questions to ponder about if you are having problems conceiving and there are no evident physical problems preventing pregnancy.

  1. What does it mean for you to have a child?
    A lot of people tend to follow their peers in what they do in life – especially when it comes to the big decisions of what is expected of one’s self. Are you one who follows what your peers did, e.g. build a home, get married, have children? If you answered YES, please really think long and hard about what you want as in your life, and are children part of that … if there is a natural longing to be a parent.
  2. What is having a child going to change in your life at this point?
  3. Are you feeling emotionally ready for that step in your life?

If you have answered of these questions with uncertainty or being unsure, ask yourself the following question:

How can my body be ready when mentally i am not prepared to have a child?

Other things to consider:

Your diet which would be effecting your hormones can definitely effect your fertility especially if you are eating hormone laden non organic meats
and dairy products, and drinking tap water.

Your environment – is there any overload of heavy metals in your surroundings? Do you have a power plant close to your home or do you have a home with old lead paint and pipes?

Your stress level – A lot of people think that there is no connection between fertility and stress, but there is a very strong connection. Whenever you are under lots of stress – and stress does not just relate to mental stress, it would be anything that puts your body out of its normal state of being, for example, a sudden drastic change in diet or a new medication, environmental stress, or an infection of viral, bacterial or fungal origin, this will effect your stress hormone, cortisol, which in turn will effect your reproductive hormones and your thyroid hormones, and it turn affect fertility.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.