Tag Archives: amino acids

Should Athletes Eating Massive Amounts Of Proteins During Exercise?

Most athletes usually consume different drinks with electrolytes and minerals which get depleted during their training exercise such as Gatorade and electrolyte gels, among others. We know that muscle cells break down during the course of the activity depending on the severity of the activity. So here is a question that has important implications in the blood chemistry and muscle synthesis and glycogen production for the athlete.

Typically, athletes consume protein at meals or as snacks, leaving the carbohydrates with electrolytes for exercise. Several studies have already shown that adding protein and amino acids to a carbohydrate supplement is no more effective for muscle glycogen synthesis than same amount of calories as carbohydrate. Research however is suggesting that some benefit for muscle protein synthesis may be gained from the consumption of small amounts of protein (as little as 5 – 6 grams) after weight training exercise. Muscle protein synthesis has been shown to be stimulated even more when a carbohydrate drink is consumed immediately before a weight training exercise.

No advantage however has been shown to consuming protein while exercising as the muscles only use certain amino acids during exercise for energy. This means that the rest of the amino acids will need to be broken down and may result in excess ammonia production, which could prove to more harmful and cause fatigue as well. So for the time being its safer to go with carbohydrate drinks with electrolytes while exercising.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.