Tag Archives: caring for eyes

Caring For Your Tired Eyes Naturally

Walk into any drug store and you will notice shelves filled with expensive products that claim to refresh tired looking and puffy eyes. Eyes show age more quickly than the rest of the face because the skin beneath them is thin and lacks oil glands. Treat this skin very gently and use a light moisturizer daily to keep this skin soft and supple. Take short breaks during the day to relax your eyes.

Here is a simple eye exercise to soothe tired eyes and help relax the rest of the body.

Practice it often. Sit in a comfortable place with your feet flat to the ground. Rub your palms vigorously until they feel warm.  Close your eyes and cup your hands over your eyes. Adjust your palms to cover your eyes completely. Breathe in deeply to the count of five, and allow your mind to let go of all your stress and visualize a place that brings a warm and happy feeling. Do this for at least a minute, allowing the velvety darkness to soothe and refresh your eyes.

And the best part is it’s free!

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.