Tag Archives: cold hands

Improving Circulation Naturally Using Natural Therapies

Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?

  • cold hands and feet?
  • water retention?
  • swelling in the extremities (hands and feet)?
  • swollen lymph nodes which have been there for a while?
  • bluish or purplish hue in the extremities?
  • varicose veins and broken capillaries that look red or purple right under the skin?
  • experience numbness or tingling of finger tips and toes in winter?

If you suffer from any of the symptoms above, chances are you do have poor blood circulation.  Here are a list of some of the natural treatments for poor circulation that have been tried, tested and true. While most work well on simple cases of poor circulation, its best to get a proper diagnosis and naturopathic treatment from your naturopathic doctor before attempting to treat poor circulation naturally.

DRY SKIN BRUSHING – This natural technique is great for improving poor circulation as well, as exfoliating dead skin and hence detoxifying toxins from the body. This technique can be applied using a dry loofah sponge or hand towel. Massage the dry loofah sponge or towel in a small circular motion from the extremities towards the heart for about 7 – 10 minutes before showering regularly to see a marked improvement in circulation.

CONTRAST HYDROTHERAPY – This natural technique has been around for centuries and its a wonderful simple therapy for not only improving circulation, but detoxify the body of the toxins as well. While in the shower, alternate between hot water and cold water every 3 minutes for about a minute at least three times. Make sure the water temperature is tolerable to your body as use of extreme cold or hot water may have negative effects on the body.

BOTANICAL HERBS – such as Gotu Kola and horse chestnut are great to improve circulation in the extremities.

LYMPHATIC MASSAGE – This type of massage concentrates on draining the lymph nodes and is great to reduce swelling and water retention. Quite often the massage therapist may use creams made of herbs that promote circulation.

WATER INTAKE – A very simple change that you can make to your diet is drinking more water. Blood is a fluid and is 70 % water, hence if you are not drinking enough water, circulation of the body fluids will be affected, and not flow freely. An increase in water intake will not only improve circulation, but also help eliminate toxins from the body.

I do recommend you talk to your naturopath before attempting any therapies, natural or otherwise.

By:  Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto.