Tag Archives: digestion

Managing Digestion And Constipation As We Get Older

As we get older, our gastrointestinal tract becomes less efficient and more susceptible to slowing down and getting damaged. Symptoms such as indigestion, constipation and reflux become more common and profound depending on various lifestyle and dietary factors. However there are various natural and effective ways to help keep digestion on track whether we are getting older or just looking to manage digestive symptoms.

Here are some tips for digestion that we can all benefit from:

  1. Chew mindfully

In order to help the digestive process, it is suggested to chew enough to get the food mushy. For every bite you take, I usually suggest at least 12 chews per bite. Enjoy the colours and the textures for the food to stimulate gastric juices and improve digestion.

  1. Rest and digest

While you are relaxed, your digestive system is able to work much better then when you are stressed out or very physically active.  It is important that you take your time while eating to allow your digestive system to work efficiently.

  1. Everything in moderation

It is okay to indulge with food once in awhile, but ensure that it is within moderation.

  1. Eat less saturated fat

The need for bile is increased to help break down those fats when eating foods high in saturated fat.  Eating too many of these types of meals are taxing on the gallbladder, leaving you feeling full and bloated after a meal. Try to combine your foods better for optimal digestion and absorption.

  1. Take a multi strain probiotic

Supplementing your nutrient intake with probiotics may help to alleviate and prevent various conditions of the gastrointestinal system related to dysbiosis or an unhealthy gut flora such as candidiasis.Talk to your naturopathic doctor before starting any supplements.

  1. Drink plenty of water

It is very important to stay hydrated throughout the day and the recommended daily intake is at least 1500ml each day. This varies based on your weight. Usually half your body weight in ounces is suggested, so if you are about a 150 lbs, the recommended intake if 75 ounces per day.

  1. Eat fibre every day

Be sure to include fibre-rich foods such as bran, fruits and vegetables to help promote and maintain complete elimination. However, if you having difficulties with chewing due to missing teeth, powdered fibre alternatives are available. It is important to talk to your health care provider or naturopath, as fibre can sometimes cause bloating.

Common Digestion Difficulties

  1. Dysphagia is when you have difficulty swallowing. It is similar to the sensation of food getting stuck in your throat. While this is happening, you may experience regurgitation of food, heartburn and drooling. There are various causes for dysphagia – if you do experience dysphagia, having smaller bites of food may help, along with some liquid to help the food ease down through the throat.
  2. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) – show symptoms that include nausea, bloating, gnawing, burning, aching or sore stomach pain.You also may feel hungry. You may experience a burning pain in your throat or esophageal area, or a sore throat.
  3. Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) – show symptoms of nausea, bloating, gnawing, burning, aching or sore stomach pain. You may also feel hungry, bloated and experience stomach soreness. PUD is a serious issue and required medical attention. If you notice any tarry stools or see dried blood in your stools, notify your health care provider as soon as possible.
  4. Right-sided abdominal pain – Cholelithiasis(gallstones) is the usual cause for right sided abdominal pain, and can be asymptomatic in 80% of cases.  As there are some sufferers that experience biliary colic with sharp, radiating pain, nausea and vomiting.  Up to 25% of seniors have this condition.
  5. Gurgling, gas, diarrhea with ingestion of dairy products. When you lack the enzyme needed to break down lactose, a sugar found in milk, within 2 hours of ingesting any dairy products, you may experience bloating, cramps, diarrhea, gas, nausea and gurgling. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about getting tested for lactose intolerance.
  6. Constipationoccurs in 24-40% of seniors. Bowel movements may be very painful, infrequent, or hard and dry. There are various physical causes for constipation. Diet and lack of water and fibre intake are a common cause for constipation in adults and children.
  7. Lower abdominal pain can be caused a condition called diverticulosis and can be asymptomatic, but some may experience constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, cramping or lower abdominal pain. Diverticulosis is when pockets called diverticula form in the walls of your digestive tract. The inner layer of your intestine pushes through weak spots in the outer lining. This pressure makes them bulge out, making little pouches. Most often it happens in your colon, the lower part of your large intestine.
  8. Lower Abdominal pain with Fever – People that experience diverticulitisor inflammation of the diverticula pouches. People may experience abdominal pain, gas, cramping, bleeding in stools, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. A bland diet with puréed foods can help improve the symptoms, but talk to your health care provider about what approach would be most beneficial for condition.
  9. Uncontrolled bowel movements or Bowel Incontinence – Bowel incontinence happens to seniors in the range of 4-27%.  Damage or weakness in muscles in the rectal region can weaken with age leading to urgency and incontinence, or passive bowel incontinence – no urge or sensation felt before a bowel movement.

Many of the digestion difficulties listed are preventable and can be resolved quite effectively with naturopathic help. If you are experiencing some of the symptoms listed above and are looking for more holistic or alternative approaches to address these issues, please call us at 416 913 4325 to schedule a naturopathic consultation.

Using Alternate Natural Remedies To Bear Bile And Improving Digestion Naturally

Each year, many thousands of bears go through a very painful process where humans try to extract their bile from their gall bladder in the name of traditional medicine, which they claim is very beneficial for the digestive system that is impaired. Where bear bile may have benefits, in this case, there are really no benefits for the bear, and it is not only unfair, but also inhuman to do this for our selfish purposes for what helped people centuries ago, and maybe barbaric behavior was acceptable at that time, although I strongly doubt that.  Such a majestic animal needs to be admired and respected, as opposed to being captured and tortured for something that may or not have any benefits, and especially there are so many herbal alternatives that will help improve the digestive system and the gastric juice flow naturally.

If you are one of these people who has been recommended to use bear bile, please read this blog so that you can better understand how you may treat your symptoms without taking it, and in the process save a bear from being tortured for your so called health benefits.

If you have liver congestion and are having issues digesting fatty and heavy meals, which is what bile helps with, try the following and let me know how you fared:

1/ Warm glass of water, with a 1/4 – 1/2 lime squeezed into it, with 1 tsp or 1 tbsp. of olive oil and a pinch of cayenne pepper before your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

2/ Eat slowly and really chew your food well. 12 -1 3 chews per bite and avoid having any water with your meals as this will dilute your digestive enzymes and make your digestion even slower.

3/ Try digestive enzymes after your meals, with a content of lipase, a digestive enzyme that helps to digest fatty foods. Papaya and pineapple is also great for digestion as well and upset stomach.

4/ Try a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before meals, this really helps to create the right environment to digest heavy proteins and fats.

5/Try having smaller meals rather then engorging your stomach to a point where you can barely breathe or move as well, try giving your body a break and adopt for a more healthful vegetarian or semi vegetarian diet instead, your digestive system will thank you for it.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.