Tag Archives: hemorrhoids

Treating Hemorrhoids Naturally

Natural Recommendations For Hemorrhoids

 Here is a list of natural recommendations that may be helpful if you are suffering from hemorrhoids.

  • Eat foods that are high in dietary fiber, such as wheat bran, fresh fruits, and primarily vegetables. Apples, beets, Brazil nuts, broccoli, foods in the cabbage family, carrots, green beans, wheat germ, oat bran, lima beans, pears, and whole grains are recommended. A high-fiber diet is probably the most important consideration in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids. Fiber helps bulking and softening stool, making it easier to pass through.
  • To help bleeding hemorrhoids, eat foods such as alfalfa, blackstrap molasses, and dark green leafy vegetables, which are high in vitamin K. Vitamin K is the clotting vitamin, which helps to stop the bleeding.
  • Drink plenty of liquids, especially water (preferably distilled). Water is the best, most natural stool-softener in existence. It also helps prevent constipation.
  • Avoid fats, animal products, coffee, alcohol, and hot spicy foods. Red meat and high-animal protein diets are especially hard on the lower digestive tract and take a while before they are eliminated – up to 4 days depending how backed up your intestines are.
  • Learn not to strain when moving the bowels. Keep the bowels clean and avoid constipation. Don’t sit on the toilet for longer than 10 minutes at a time, as this causes blood to pool in the hemorrhoidal veins.
  • Cleanse the problem area frequently with warm water. A hot bath for fifteen minutes a day is quite helpful. Do not add beads, oil, or bubbles to the water, as this can irritate sensitive tissues. Many people add Epsom salts, but this has no proven clinical value. It is the warm water that reduces swelling and eases the pain. Avoid using soap products to cleanse the area.
  • Warm sitz baths are especially beneficial. Take a mineral sitz bath daily for 10 – 15 minutes. Adding dried calendula flowers may also be very helpful and soothing for affected areas.
  • Sit on a soft cushion, not on hard surfaces. Use an ordinary cushion, not a donut-shaped one. The old- fashioned inflated doughnut cushion actually increases pressure upon the hemorrhoidal blood vessels, aggravating the swelling and bleeding.
  • Learn proper lifting techniques. Bend your knees, not your back. Do not hold your breath as you lift; this puts enormous strain and pressure upon the hemorrhoidal vessels. Instead, take a deep breath and exhale at the moment of lifting. Make your thighs do the work, not your back. Avoid heavy lifting as much as possible.
  • Get regular moderate exercise – this could include jogging, running, walking, swimming, yoga or tai chi.
  • Avoid using strong or harsh laxatives as in the long run, your body becomes dependant on these.
  • Avoid using rough toilet paper. Use moistened toilet paper or baby wipes instead.
  • Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time. If sitting for extended periods of time cannot be avoided, take frequent breaks to stretch and move around.
  • Do not use products containing Ibuprofen or aspirin for hemorrhoid pain—they can encourage bleeding. Instead, choose pain medications such as acetaminophen (in Tylenol, Datril, Valadol, and other products). Talk to you medical doctor before starting any medication.

Natural Treatment Recommendations For Hemorrhoids

Here are some natural ways to help heal hemorrhoids:

• Eat foods that are high in dietary fiber, such as wheat bran, fresh fruits, and nearly all vegetables. Apples, beets, Brazil nuts, broccoli, foods in the cabbage family, carrots, green beans, guar gum, oat bran, lima beans, pears, and whole grains are recommended. A high-fiber diet is probably the most important consideration in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.
• To help bleeding hemorrhoids, eat foods such as alfalfa, blackstrap molasses, and dark green leafy vegetables, which are high in vitamin K.
• Drink plenty of liquids; especially water (preferably steam-distilled). Water is the best, most natural stool-softener in existence. It also helps prevent constipation.
• Avoid fats, animal products, coffee, alcohol, and hot-spices. Red meat and high-protein diets are especially hard on the lower digestive tract. Talk to your naturopath to provide you with a suitable diet for your intestinal health especially if you are suffering from gas and bloating.
• Learn not to strain when moving the bowels. Keep the bowels clean and avoid constipation. Don’t sit on the commode for longer than 10 minutes at a time, as this causes blood to pool in the hemorrhoidal veins.
• Cleanse the problem area frequently with warm water. A hot bath for fifteen minutes a day is quite helpful. Do not add beads, oil, or bubbles to the water, as this can irritate sensitive tissues. Many people add Epsom salt, but this has no proven clinical value. It is the warm water that reduces swelling and eases the pain. Avoid using soap products to cleanse the anus.
• Warm sitz baths are especially beneficial. Take a mineral sitz bath daily.
• Sit on a soft cushion, not on hard surfaces. Use an ordinary cushion, not a donut-shaped one. The old- fashioned inflated doughnut cushion actually increases pressure upon the hemorrhoidal blood vessels, aggravating the swelling and bleeding.
• Learn proper lifting techniques. Bend your knees, not your back. Do not hold your breath as you lift; this puts enormous strain and pressure upon the hemorrhoidal vessels. Instead, take a deep breath and exhale at the moment of lifting. Make your thighs do the work, not your back. Avoid heavy lifting as much as possible.
• Get regular moderate exercise to improve circulation in the body.
• Avoid strong or harsh laxatives.
• Avoid using rough toilet paper. Use moistened toilet paper or baby wipes instead.
• Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time. If sitting for extended periods of time cannot be avoided, take frequent breaks to stretch and move around.
• Do not use products containing Ibuprofen or aspirin for hemorrhoid pain—they can encourage bleeding.

Talk to your naturopathic doctor before starting on any supplements. It is always important to first identify the root cause of the problem before treating it.

By: Sushma Shah, Toronto Naturopath at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic