Tag Archives: sinusitis

Treating Sinusitis / Chronic Sinusitis Naturally

Sinusitis or chronic sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses which may be caused due to various reasons such as colds, flu, infections, systemic fungal infections such as candidiasis, poor diets and often allergies ( food and environmental).

Symptoms of sinusitis include:

– nasal congestion and stuffiness with or without mucous discharge – which may be greenish yellow or whitish, and may also have a foul or musty odor depending on the cause of the infection in the sinus,

– pressure or pain in the sinuses


– fatigue

In order to treat the infection and eliminate the symptoms, you would need to clear the congestion and eliminate the cause of the sinus infection and inflammation. Here are some natural suggestions to treat sinusitis or chronic sinusitis:

1. Steaming with essential oils that have antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and anti inflammatory properties such as eucalyptus, tea tree or rosemary. You can also add peppermint for circulation as well, to open up the sinuses. A Netti pot with probiotics and sea salts would be very helpful to drain the sinuses and clear out the infections as well.

2. Eliminate allergens – First identify what the allergen is – food or environmental – this can be accomplished by a simple allergy blood test. Once identified, if is a food allergen – eliminate if from your diet and this would help to reduce congestion and the stuffiness. If it is environmental, it may be more difficult to eliminate e.g. if you are reactive to certain grass or weed species which are native to your place of abode, you might be able to get rid of them – in which case, talk to your naturopathic doctor about natural supplements that help with allergy symptoms as well, improve your immune function so that you can breathe easier when exposed to your allergen. However, if you are reactive to house mites or dust, regular vacuuming and proper ventilation would be helpful. If you are allergic to molds however, it may be helpful to get rid of plants in the house, which maybe great to purify the air in the house, but not great as the soil they grow in maybe moldy.

In general, to reduce general congestion – eliminate foods that create more mucus in the body such as dairy products, bananas, wheat and oranges.

3. Hydrate often – Drinking luke warm to warm fluids such as teas and lemon water constantly help thin the mucus and relieve congestion.

4. Compresses for the sinuses – To encourage the sinuses to drain and to relieve the pressure build up in the sinuses, it would be helpful to apply hot compresses to your sinuses for 10 – 15 minutes a couple of times a day. You can add a couple of drops of rosemary or eucalyptus to help open the sinuses as well.

5. Improving / strengthening immunity – Allergies which cause congestion are due caused by a dysfunctional immune system, hence improving your immune system function by improving your diet, eliminating sugar, sleeping well, and improving lifestyle habits would be very helpful for overcoming sinus infections and sinus inflammation in general.

Talk to your naturopath to see what might be the best natural treatment options for you if the ones above are not helpful.

By: SUSHMA SHAH, NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic, IN TORONTO.