Monthly Archives: April 2016

Do You Really Need A Detox?

A lot of people who do “over the counter” detox programs these days, for various reasons. While detoxifying the body is good for health reasons, it is important to first figure out if you really need one. Many off the shelves products are geared towards ridding you of candida or yeast, while others claim they get rid of any parasites, while others help with elimination of toxins. Which one do you need, do you need all three, should you start with one and see how you are feeling and then do the others? Which one will work the best? So before you go out and buy any over the counter detox products, please fill out the detoxification questionnaire below.

No=0 Rare=1 Often=2
1. Do you feel tired, lethargic, and sluggish on waking and throughout the day? 0 1 2
2. Do you have difficulty concentrating or have slow or surreal thinking? 0 1 2
3. Do you feel depressed or have mood swings? 0 1 2
4. Do you get more than one or two colds per year? 0 1 2
5. Do you get post-nasal drip, congestion or “stuffed up” in your nose or sinuses on waking or during the day? 0 1 2
6. Do you have bad breath, a coated tongue or a bitter or metallic taste in your mouth? 0 12
7. Do you have strong body odour? 0 1 2
8. Do you have strong smelling / foul urine? 0 1 2
9. Do you have trouble sleeping or feel un-refreshed upon waking? 0 1 2
10. Do you have sore muscles or joints for no apparent reason? 0 1 2
11. Are your nails weak, soft or brittle? 0 1 2
12. Do you have dark circles under your eyes? 0 1 2
13. Do you have digestive disturbances such as bloating, gas or indigestion a couple hours after eating? 0 1 2
14. Do you have less than one bowel movement per day? 0 1 2
15. Do you feel anxious or stressed out? 0 1 2
16. Are you sensitive to odours, foods or chemicals? 0 1 2
17. Do you have allergies to various environmental and household products, dust and molds? 0 1 2
18. Do you have eczema, dry skin, and acne or skin rashes? 0 1 2
19. Do you gain weight easily? 0 1 2
20. Do you have food cravings – especially carbohydrate rich foods? 0 1 2
21. Do you have pain or discomfort under your right ribcage occasionally or after eating? 0 12
22. Does dietary fiber cause constipation? 0 1 2
23. Do you feel like you’re not as healthy as other people your age? 0 1 2

Total Score
1 – 23: You may be required to do a general gentle body cleanse.
23 and more: Time to do think about a body cleanse or a detoxification diet. Talk to your health care provider about your health issues and how you may improve your diet and lifestyle factors to improve your overall health.

Please note: There are many reasons why you may be experiencing certain symptoms mentioned in this questionnaire. It is important to understand why you are experiencing these symptoms before trying any quick fixes or store bought detoxes/ cleanses. Talk to your naturopathic doctor and determine what is root of the issue, and if its related to an overload of toxins, heavy metals, parasites, etc., ask to get tested to confirm it. A scientific approach is very important when you are dealing with your precious health.  More on detox..

*This Detox questionnaire is not intended diagnose you or suggest that you need to a cleanse.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Cashew Cardamom Milk Recipe


  • ¼ cup raw cashews (soak overnight in 1 cup of water) and blend it into a fine puree
  • 1 pinch of ground cardamom
  • 1 dash of nutmeg
  • 1 pinch of ground vanilla beans
  • 1.5 cups of rice milk or almond milk
  • Sweeten to taste with either agave syrup, honey or stevia



Mix all of the above ingredients in a pan, and heat it to boil for about 2 minutes, you can also add a chamomile tea bag once you remove the hot milk from the stovetop and put it in a mug. Enjoy a warm soothing cup of cashew cardamom milk, ideally in the evenings. Works well for relaxation, lowered blood pressure and better sleep!

By: SUSHMA SHAH, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor.

Change Of Season Soup

Change of season soup is an immune system tonic used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s a herbal blend ideal to enhance the immune system during the changing of the seasons. This herbal formula is also thought to improve resistance to colds and flu and help with stress.

One cup or bowl twice a day for 12 days is often recommended for a healthy person. People who are in the midst of a cold or flu should not drink the soup until after they have recovered.

The soup has a slightly bitter taste. To improve the taste, use it as a base for a hearty chicken soup made with a whole chicken and shiitake mushrooms, onions, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, beets, and other local harvest vegetables.


To make change of season soup, you will need equal parts (2-3 oz each) of the following herbs. Chinese herbal shops sometimes sell the herbs pre-packaged for convenience.

1. Codonopsis root

This herb is thought to help tonify and strengthen “qi” energy and helps to build blood and nourish body fluids.

2. Astragalus root

Astragalus is a root thought to helps strengthen protective defenses, strengthen qi energy, nourish the spleen, and tonify the blood and lungs.

3. Dioscorea (Chinese yam) root

Dioscorea is a herb believed to tonify and balances the lungs and the kidneys.

4. Chinese Lycii berries

Lycii berries is believed to strengthen the liver and the kidneys.


  • Fill a large Stock Pot with water. Add the above herbs to the pot and place the lid on. Bring to a boil and simmer for 4 to 6 hours. If the water level boils down, add water to refill if necessary.
  • Using a slotted spoon, remove the herbs from the pot and allow the soup to cool. This recipe makes about 4 liters of soup. You can drink it as a broth, use it as a base for soup recipes, or place it in a mug or thermos and sip it throughout the day.

By: SUSHMA SHAH, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor.

Trying To Loose Weight? Focus On The Following:

Most of us are constantly worry about weight gain or not being able to loose weight. We also dread putting ourselves through ridiculous diets and exercise regimens, when all we want to do is: loose weight and not have to put as much effort into it, right? Here are some simple and easy modifications you can focus on, on a day to day basis and see how those pounds melt away:

1. Eat slowly and chew your food properly. For each bite you take, chew at least 11 times. This allows the food to break down into smaller particles and also allows the digestive juices in the saliva to start working on digesting the foods – especially starches.

2. Have a glass of water with a squeeze of lime or lemon before each meal and before each second helping. This will help you decrease the number of calories you would otherwise consume and make you feel fuller faster as well. However, make sure you are not drinking water with your meals, as this will have a negative impact on digestion, as the water will dilute your digestive enzymes.

3. Try to practice food combining. Simply put: Eat your foods in a way that is most favorable / optimal for your digestion. Here are the three simple rules to go by:

– Eat fruits with fruits.
– Eat carbohydrates (potatoes, starchy vegetables, rice, noodles and pastas) with vegetables, and not with protein (meat, fish and vegetarian proteins).
– Eat proteins with vegetables, and not with carbohydrates.
I know, at first you might think – that you have been eating your carbohydrates with proteins all your life, and its been fine. Try to eat for a week with the three simples rules above and let me know what you feel as a difference in your digestion.

4. Avoid foods you are intolerant or mildly allergic to. When you consume foods that you are sensitive or allergic to, you will experience quite a few symptoms including not limited to weight gain and water retention among others. A simple blood test can reveal what your food intolerances and or allergies are. Once you have identified these, try to eliminate them for a few months, and also try to rotate the foods you are eating and add variety to your diet. Do not eat the same foods everyday.

5. Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces or about 8 – 10 glasses of water daily. Hydration is key. Quite often the body mistakes hunger for thirst, especially if you are not used to drinking water, and this leads to consumption of empty calories.

6. Plan your healthy meals and snacks ahead of time. I find this very helpful especially if you are going to be out and about or working long hours daily.  When you have healthy snacks around – you will be less tempted to go and buy unhealthy calorie laden junk foods.  Here is a list of 5 snacks that i usually carry around and love, maybe you can give these a try: dried cherries mixed with cranberries, sliced cucumbers, carrots and peppers with a dash of herbamere seasoning (sea salt with dried herbs), rice crackers with babaganouj or hummus, raw almonds with cashews and walnuts, sliced mangoes or green apples.

7. Try to have most your calories in the early part of the day, for the best utilization of the calories in the food, and spend at least 20 – 30 minutes to eat  your meals and snacks, as opposed to eating too quickly and stuffing the stomach. Try to avoid having snacks while you are engaged in doing something, as this leads to consumption of extra calories you would not have otherwise consumed.

8. Exercise is important, but not if its going to create stress in your life, in an already packed schedule. Try to get at least 10,000 steps in a day – be it walking, brisk walking, jogging, among other activities. If going to a gym is not your thing, take a look at various different activities available and see what you feel drawn to and feel comfortable with. Try it out, you never know, you might actually like it! Talk to your naturopathic doctor about your health goals, and how to optimize your health and well being, using diet and exercise, and also get them to look at your hormone, thyroid levels and metabolism levels, as these could be an issue if you are trying to loose weight at no avail. For more information on weight loss and how to loose weight, please click here.

By: SUSHMA SHAH, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor.

Sauteed Garlic Asparagus And Brown Rice Recipe


  • 2 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 1 tsp of cumin seeds
  • 2 large cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 1 bunch of young asparagus (cut into 1 inch pieces and steamed lightly)
  • 2 1/2 cups of cooked brown rice (cook the rice with 1/2 water and 1/2 vegetable broth for better flavour)
  • seasoning to taste
  • 1 tbsp of chopped coriander


Heat the coconut oil in a saucepan and add the cumin seeds. Let the seeds brown a little and add the garlic to the oil. Cook the garlic until it browns a little and then add in the steamed asparagus pieces. Stir the asparagus infrequently for about 5 minutes. Finally add the cooked brown rice and mix thoroughly. Add seasoning and fresh herbs to taste. Serve immediately and enjoy!
By: SUSHMA SHAH, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor.

Cancer – Risks, Types And Alternative Therapies Available

What causes cancer in the body? Recently, I was listening to a radio show and one of the things they said was that researchers have found that cancer happens just because of bad luck – and not necessarily because of other factors. I was quite shocked when I’ve heard that, especially on a radio show because based on my experience in the clinic, I really beg to differ and thought I would write this blog to clarify a few things about what can cause cancer, amongst other details.

So to put this in very simple terms: CANCER arises in the body as a result of DNA damage / mutation, which in turn causes abnormal cell growths creating masses, nodules and tumors. What causes DNA damage / mutations in cells?  Well, while we do not exactly know what causes the cell damage that initiates the cancer process, but we do know that a combination of genetic, behavioral, environmental and lifestyle factors can contribute to the cell damage and DNA damage, causes growth of cancer cells.

Here are some of the top contributing factors that can cause cell and DNA abnormalities, which can eventually lead to cancer:

– Poor Lifestyle and Diet (Smoking, obesity, diet high in nitrates and low in fiber, lack of exercise)

– Exposure to toxins / carcinogens in the work environment and pollution

– Genetics and Family History

– Exposure to certain virus and bacteria (such as HPV and H. Pylori)

– Reproductive health

– Alcohol consumption

There is a huge variety of cancers, with different causes, symptoms and their degree of malignancy. Most fall into one of the four categories:

1. Lymphomas – affecting the lymphatic system.

2. Carcinomas (most common ones) – affecting the skin, glands, organs and mucous membranes.

3. Leukemias – Cancers that affect the blood cells and blood forming tissues.

4. Sarcomas – affecting muscles, bones and connective tissues.

Alternative therapies that may help with cancer

There are various alternative therapies that are available for prevention against cancer, as well, maintaining optimum health and wellness during and after treatments. What works well for one may be adverse for another, and hence some treatments are very successful for one but not another. Keeping this statement in mind, talk to your naturopathic doctor and your medical doctor to see what combination may work best for you. Prevention and optimum health in terms of mind, body and spirit are key for a healthy balance.

If you avoid cancer causing substances and keep your body healthy, you have at least a better chance of successfully conquering the outcome, regardless of what that looks like.  It is imperative to be proactive with your health and wellness in this day and age, where we are constantly exposed to various kinds of stresses (ranging from diet to work to pollution to viruses, among others), which can compromise our immune system and affect our well being. If we do not have a strong defense system, chances are something will change within our body – and the first one to take a hit is our health!

By: SUSHMA SHAH, Toronto Naturopathic Doctor.

Massage Specials: $60 For 1 Hour Massage Session



Our Massage Special for March 2015! 

At Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic, we want to encourage restorative behavior in all its forms especially relaxation to reduce your stress levels.

Time to get those tense back and shoulder muscles all relaxed with deep tissue relaxing massage at a deep discount!

  • 1 hour massage – $60 + HST*

Book your session today! Call us at 416 913 4325.

Massage treatments are available on Tuesdays and Fridays. This offer expires on March 31st  2015.

Regular price: $90 + HST for 1 hour.
* Services are provided by Registered Massage Therapists. Covered by most extended health insurances.

What Is Your Risk Of Heart Disease?

Heart disease is the number one killer of Canadians in terms of health issues, and annually causes more than 50,000 deaths per year. Heart disease is caused simply by a build up of plaque – a fatty deposit ( which usually happens due to a high amount of bad cholesterol of LDL in the blood). These in turn create clots in the arteries or harden them, and cause a narrowing of the arteries, depriving the heart of oxygen rich blood, and when the arteries are narrowed sufficiently, blood flow to the area is compromised creating heart attacks.  More than 85% of people who die from heart attacks are aged 65 and older, however, even in practice today, we are also seeing people in their 40’s with heart issues. It is true that certain ethnic groups are at a higher risk for having heart attacks, however, the risk factors may come into play as well, including your genes and lifestyle factors such as stress and and a high fat diet.

Here is a self test you can take to gauge your risk for heart issues / heart attack:

1. Age – men over 45 and women over 55

2. Gender – men are more vulnerable that women.

3. Being post menopausal – this increases your risk sharply.

4.Family and personal history of heart disease.

5. Ethnicity – People of Asian, African or Latin / African American descent.

Lifestyle factors:

1. Diet – high intake of saturated fat and low intake of fibre rich foods

2. Smoking or exposure to second hand smoke on a regular basis

3. Having high LDL and Triglyceride levels, and  low HDL levels.

4. Hypertension or high blood pressure issues.

5. Diabetes Type 2

6. Chronic stress or depression

7. Physical inactivity and obesity.

If you answered yes to 3 or more risk factors, you are at high risk for heart disease. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about how you may improve your heart health and what you can do to reduce your risk of heart issues.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation website is a great resource for more information.

What Are Some Of The Symptoms Or Manifestations Of Allergies?


Quite often when people think about allergies or allergy symptoms, they think about the runny nose, itchy eyes and redness in the eyes, hives, sneezing and anaphylactic reactions – like throat swelling or closing up. However, here is a list of symptoms / manifestations of allergies that people may not know about:

Surprised by the list? Most people are. Talk to your naturopath about getting tested for allergies asap if you or your child are suffering from the symptoms listed above.

Cold And Flu Prevention

This year the flu season seems to be worse than the ones we had in the previous years. I wonder if its related to the unusual weather patterns we have been experiencing or if whether people have been enduring more stress than usual this past year (due to work pressures, a lack of fresh air, lack of physical activity, or poor dietary habits) which has had a negative effect on immune system? Stress, remember, is anything or any situation that puts the body out of its normal state of being. Regardless of what / who might be the culprit, it would be good to:

A/ clear the organism responsible for the symptoms,

B/ shorten the duration of the symptoms,

C/ improve the immune system and strengthen it.

Here are some simple natural dietary suggestions for all of the above:

  •  Drink a minimum of 6 – 8 glasses of fluids daily, ideally at room temperature or warmer. Fluids help thin secretions making it easier to clear them out and in turn help to reduce congestion. Add a slice of lemon / lime to the fluids, which help with giving that extra little dose of vitamin C.
  • A constant intake of liquids in the form on teas / broths / soups also helps with keeping the lining of the respiratory tract moist, which helps with hoarseness, dry cough and that irritating tickle at the back of the throat, which can cause incessant bouts of coughing.
  • Herb teas such as ginger with a slice of lime, chamomile, dried oregano and thyme and a teaspoon of honey will also help loosen the mucus and heal the throat, bronchial tubes and nasal passages, along with being comforting and nourishing.
  • Some vegetable and fruit juices such as grape / coconut / carrot / beetroot / celery / lemon and parsley diluted with water will also help cleanse and promote healing, not to mention give you lots of vitamin A, C and electrolytes. Orange juice is something that I do not suggest it as it can be too sweet and also create more congestion. Grapefruit juice would be a good substitute for the Vitamin C content without the congestive effect.
  • As much as you can, limit your intake of refined sugars. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and some fruit especially berries, mandarins / clementine /apples/ kiwi / grapefruits / mangoes / pineapple among others.
  • Crushed garlic and ginger in soups and smoothies are great as they have antiviral and antibacterial properties.