Tag Archives: yeast infections

Treating Yeast Infections Naturally

Suffering from a Vaginal infection? Irritation? Redness and Swelling in the vaginal area? Lots of white discharge with a musty yeasty smell?

These are all symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection which can be caused a fungi, called Candida Albicans. Candida is a normal inhabitant in the vaginal area, however an overgrowth of this fungus can cause a vaginal yeast infection. A candida overgrowth / candidiasis can be caused by various factors including significant use of antibiotics, high sugar diet, stress, hormonal changes and a weak immune system. The conventional treatment for the vaginal yeast infections is the use of anti – fungal medication, which help clear the infection, but does nothing for the recurrence besides the frequent use of different creams and more anti- fungal medications.

Here are a few natural tips and suggestions to treat the yeast infections, as well, decrease the risk of re- infection:

1. Restore healthy vaginal flora

Probiotics or lactobacillus – which are good bacteria for the intestinal health have received a lot of attention in the past few years. Frequent use of antibiotics unfortunately clears most of the good bacteria, that would otherwise help against growth of opportunistic yeast and fungi species such as Candida Albicans. For more information on how this happens, please read the following article of interest: ANTIBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS.

After a yeast infection, it would be good to restore healthy vaginal flora using a good brand of probiotics. The Lactobacillus capsule could inserted nightly for about 2 weeks before sleeping, and usually this will help restore the good bacteria.

2. Natural Vaginal Rinses

Various different rinses can be made at home to improve the overall health and inflammation in the vaginal area.  You can use either herbs or simple products such as apple cider vinegar or baking soda to make these rinses. I would generally suggest a specific kind depending on the nature of the infection – if its quite severe, i might recommend additional herbs. The basic rinse you can make at home is with 1/2 tsp of baking soda in 1/cup of distilled water and use as a wash twice or three times or after intercourse.

3.Preventing Vaginal Yeast Infections

In order to prevent yeast  infections, it is important to first understand what the yeast species flourishes on or what encourages its growth, and change that environment, so that there is no more growth of yeast. So yeast loves damp moist environments to flourish in – hence especially in this weather, its important not to wear tight fitting clothes or synthetic clothing, which encourages growth of yeast.

Try to use simple, scent free body washes and detergents, toilet paper and pads, which are free of chemicals that your skin might be sensitive to.

Starve the yeast by having a diet that has minimal sugars and refined carbs, and decrease your intake of  “yeasty foods” – such as alcohol/ wine or breads.

Try all of the above to help clear and prevent recurring vaginal yeast infections. If you are having limited or no success after all of these changes, please schedule an appointment with your naturopathic doctor.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor.