Tag Archives: testing for allergies

Is ADD Or ADHD Affected By Diet?

ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders) are two disorders that are significantly affected by diet. Having treatment lots of cases with ADD and ADHD, I would safely say that these disorders are a product of our eating habits and what is added into our diets knowingly or unknowingly.  Majority of the times, I have found that kids who are ingesting large amounts of refined or processed foods are more likely to have either ADD or ADHD. Why? Majority of the refined and processed foods have various types of colors and additives / preservatives added to them which make them tastier and more colorful but do little in terms of nutrient availability to the consumer’s body.

Most refined and processed foods that are high in sugar such as cookies, cakes, candies, pastries, etc. tend to excite the neurons, and cause an increase in the firing of the electrical impulses sent by these neurons, causing a sudden rush in body, which will usually translate in hyperactivity in the child’s behavior, and quite often aggression in the behavior. However, it would be unfair to put entire blame on refined and processed foods. Quite often, the child may be undiagnosed mild food allergies, that can be determined by blood testing for allergies. These allergies can quite often cause irrational behaviors as well, and symptoms of both hyperactivity and attention deficiency.

A diet low/ lacking in essential fatty acids will also effect the concentration and attention of the child. Essential fatty acids are crucial for the brain development, hence very important to supplement if they are lacking. Testing is available to see if there is a lack of essential fatty acids in the body. Various minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are found abundantly in fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables are very important for the body’s various processes and actions, especially minerals like calcium and magnesium and certain B vitamins, a lack of which can cause symptoms such as tics and hyperactivity, along with restless behaviors.

It is important to talk to your naturopathic doctor to get a proper diagnosis of what may be lacking in your child’s diet before supplementing with any supplements or vitamins.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Is Naturopathic Medicine Helpful For Treating Asthma, Eczema Or Allergies?

Naturopathic medicine is alternative or complementary medicine that treats various health ailments with natural therapies. Naturopathic care of asthma, eczema and allergies is based on healing the symptom as well as identifying the cause of the allergies, asthma or eczema. Naturopathic doctors usually work to treat the root cause of the problem or symptoms, be it asthma, eczema or allergies.

Natural treatments from a naturopathic doctor for eczema and asthma are based on first identifying what the person is allergic to and eliminating that item from the diet or environment if possible. With naturopathic treatments, along with diet changes, various herbs and supplements are also used to improve the overall health of the person and rebalancing an overactive / dysfunctional immune system, which usually causes the symptoms of sneezing, itching, runny nose and eyes, and rashes.

In most cases that are treated with naturopathic medicine, we find that the symptoms improve tremendously and become a thing of the past as the individual adopts a healthier lifestyle and balances their immune system. As a naturopath, my approach to treating asthma or eczema has always been to first get to the root of the problem, and that usually involves testing for allergies to various allergens, once that has been established, I usually treat by modifying the diet and use additional nutrient or herbal supplements if necessary and generally the outcome has been great in terms of resolving the health issue.

Need more information or treatment for asthma, eczema or allergies, please call us or visit us.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic.

Improving Allergy Symptoms Naturally For You And Your Pets

Allergies cause symptoms such as skin irritation, hair loss, digestive symptoms, sneezing, hives, runny nose and eyes, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches among other symptoms. Allergies are triggered by specific foods, environmental elements such as pollen and dust, molds, chemical pollutants. Pinpointing allergies can take a lot of time, so one way to narrow down the time and find out what is causing them is by doing some allergy blood tests.

In order to improve symptoms of allergies in you and your pet, its important to improve your  and your pet ‘s health first, and which will help the body come back to balance and in turn improve overall health symptoms. Three key things you can do:


Foods play a huge role in worsening allergy symptoms, so try to monitor your diet and your pet’s diet. The most common allergens for humans include: milk, wheat, soy, oranges, eggs, corn among others. For pets, try eliminating corn, soy , wheat, beef and yeast . Switch them and yourself to a healthy hypoallergenic diet of rice, lamb, chicken, vegetables, fruits and whole cooked grains, but no wheat.  Reintroduce the foods one at time after a month to see the reaction and if tolerated, you can introduce the food into the diet.


Optimizing your digestive system is a great way to alleviate allergy symptoms. Various supplements are helpful in improving digestion for you and your pet. Simple suggestions to improve the digestive symptom include: having a wholesome diet with lots of fiber, which helps to keep the digestive system running smoothly and clean, eliminating toxins and decreasing allergenic potential. Yogurt or lactobacillus (acidophilus) supplements are great as the acidophilus provides natural antibiotic to ward off any undesired bacteria or parasites and helps to improve immunity too.

Click here for information on digestive disorders.


Various cleaning products and chemicals, mold and dust can cause allergic reactions. Try to use natural household cleaners in and around the house, which are generally just as effective but much more safer to use. Wash out bedding, linens and sheets weekly with gentle laundry detergent as harsh chemicals and perfumes could irritate your pet’s and your skin and the respiratory system.

By: Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor at the Nature’s Intentions Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto.