L ife's too good and too short to waste on that filthy habit. Quitting smoking is not that easy, however each year 1000's of people find the strength and courage to make that healthy choice to give up smoking for themselves and the people around them whose health so dearly care for, SO CAN YOU!

At NATURE'S INTENTIONS NATUROPATHIC CLINIC, we are committed to help you with your decision to stop smoking using a naturopathic mind and body approach, be it your choice to quit smoking completely or gradually.

Our Smoking Cessation Program is individualized and tailored to suit your needs. It consists of an initial consult with our naturopathic doctor who will access your health both symptomatically and physiologically, and will advise you on what approach would be most beneficial for you.

You will be receiving your individualized treatment plan *thereafter, which includes hypnotherapy and naturopathic supplements, along with acupuncture to give you the complete spectrum of healing mind and body.

Through hypnotherapy, you will be able to strengthen your will power to stop smoking for good. You will also learn how to relax your body in periods of anxiety and agitation.

Using naturopathy and acupuncture, you will detoxify your body from the toxins that are accumulated in the body over years of smoking, and control and remove the cravings for cigarettes efficiently.

Our goal is to help you regain your health and give you the tools you need to help you quit smoking for good. Remember, you are only as far from your goal as you want to be.

* DISCLAIMER: The information on this article is the property of Dr. Sushma Shah, Naturopathic Doctor, and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any diseases or promote any services or products mentioned on the website.

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