In the Yoga system, Kundalini practice is an advanced meditation practice through which the practitioner learns to activate and raise Kundalini energy along the main energy channel (meridian) called Sushumna. The ultimate goal of Kundalini practice is Enlightenment. In a mystical school, practitioners usually have to undergo various preliminary levels for an extended period (many years) before they can receive this advanced Kundalini meditation practice.

Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini Reiki is an advanced form of Reiki discovered by Ole Gabrielsen from Denmark, a Master of meditation. It is the result of his experiences with the Ascended Master Kuthumi. Ole incorporated various techniques from the Yoga system into the Reiki system, giving rise to the Kundalini Reiki system.

In Kundalini Reiki, you can safely and gently access the fundamental energy of your spirit, known as Kundalini energy, and raise a part of it from the base of the spine to the top of your head. The system consists of two student levels and one Master Level. At the Master Level Course in Kundalini Reiki, one Reiki symbol will be taught.

Prerequisite: Before enrolling in Kundalini Reiki Level 1 and Kundalini Reiki Level 2 Courses, students must have at least Reiki Level 3 initiation in Usui Reiki or Reiki of 7 Levels. Additionally, a Master Level in Usui Reiki or Reiki of 7 Levels is required before attending the Master Level Course in Kundalini Reiki.


(Prerequisite: Level 3 in Usui Reiki or Reiki of 7 Levels system)

The Kundalini Reiki Level 1 Course is taught as a one-on-one* or group class during one day of intensive training. Kundalini Reiki attunements will be performed individually for each student. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a certificate for that level of training.

All the information and techniques are covered, including:

  • The history of Kundalini Reiki
  • Attunement that prepares your astral body and chakras for the activation of Kundalini energy
  • The specifics of Kundalini Reiki Level 1 energy (in detail)
  • The effects of Kundalini Reiki Level 1 energy treatment
  • How to give a complete Kundalini Reiki treatment for self, for others and from distance
  • Techniques for addressing specific issues, balancing the chakras, and healing karmic bonds

The class is a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands-on experience. Practice time includes giving and/or receiving a complete Kundalini Reiki treatment..


(Prerequisite: Level 3 in Usui Reiki or Reiki of 7 Levels system)

The Kundalini Reiki Level 2 Course is taught as a one-on-one* or group class during one day of intensive training. Kundalini Reiki attunements will be performed individually for each student. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a certificate for that level of training.

All the information and techniques are covered, including:

  • The difference between Kundalini Reiki Level 2 and the Kundalini Reiki Level 1
  • Attunement designed to strengthen the energy meridians and awaken the Kundalini energy
  • The specifics of Kundalini Reiki Level 2 energy (in detail)
  • The effects of Kundalini Reiki Level 2 energy treatment
  • Learning a meditation to enhance the strength of the Kundalini Fire
  • The Hatsurei-Ho practice

The class is a blend of lecture, discussion, and hands-on experience. Practice time includes giving and/or receiving a complete Kundalini Reiki treatment, incorporating all the teachings mentioned above.


(Prerequisite: Master Level in Usui Reiki or Reiki of 7 Levels system)

The Kundalini Reiki - Master / Teacher Level is taught as a one-on-one* or group class during one day of intensive training. Kundalini Reiki attunements will be performed individually for each student. Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a certificate for that level of training.

All the information and techniques are covered, including:

  • The complete Kundalini Reiki - Master / Teacher attunement
  • Initiation in one Reiki symbol used for the attunement process
  • Instruction on how to give attunements for Kundalini Reiki: Level 1, 2, and for the full Kundalini Reiki Master Level
  • Lots of practice time doing attunements
  • The values and spiritual orientation of a true Kundalini Reiki Master

Detailed instructions are provided about the Kundalini Reiki system of attunements. More than half of the class time is dedicated to practice, helping the student gain confidence in administering Kundalini Reiki attunements. A class manual is included, containing detailed step-by-step instructions for giving all the attunements. This class offers a powerful healing experience.

While practice time occurs during each Kundalini Reiki Course, it is expected that the student will set aside additional time to practice after the class is over. It is recommended that the student sets aside a minimum of 30 minutes each day for the next 2-3 weeks following each Reiki level to practice Kundalini Reiki on themselves, family members, or friends. This additional practice is necessary to gain the experience and confidence needed to fully utilize the Kundalini Reiki training.

At each level, the student will receive the course material and a diploma certifying the achieved level. Weekend and weekday courses are available.

* We cannot guarantee that our Kundalini Reiki classes will be one-on-one. Currently, the size of our Kundalini Reiki classes is a maximum of 4 students.

To book a Reiki session or enroll in a Reiki course, please contact us at 416 913 4325 (HEAL) or email us at [email protected]

* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary from client to client, and the information provided is not intended to promote services or products. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any diseases.